adambard / learnxinyminutes-docs

Code documentation written as code! How novel and totally my idea!
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[html/en] Add more tags #4904

Open Th3G33k opened 1 month ago

Th3G33k commented 1 month ago

meta, script, style, div, form, iframe

verhovsky commented 2 weeks ago

I don't like how this is adding a third file-within-the-file. LXIYM should just be a single commented file, but I can see the value of having a simple version of the HTML document and then a commented version, but adding a third one doesn't seem right.

Th3G33k commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the review.

It is already separated in three parts. The third part starts from here :

<!-- And that's it, creating an HTML file can be simple. -->

<!-- But it is possible to add many additional types of HTML tags. -->

<!-- The <img /> tag is used to insert an image. -->

I was trying to add more useful tags.