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[fish/it-it] Translation, merge en -> it #4916

Closed mariostabile1 closed 1 month ago

mariostabile1 commented 1 month ago

Adding full Italian translation of fish shell, by a native Italian speaker.

verhovsky commented 1 month ago

These parts of the text should be re-written to something normal in the English text first, then re-translated to Italian:

fish is better than bash sick egg, nadia. no u do really goofy shit. It's very late I should not waste my time with this Nobody heard you install Gentoo I use arch btw

mariostabile1 commented 1 month ago

These parts of the text should be re-written to something normal in the English text first, then re-translated to Italian:

fish is better than bash sick egg, nadia. no u do really goofy shit. It's very late I should not waste my time with this Nobody heard you install Gentoo I use arch btw

What do you mean? meaning the this phrases aren't appropriate for the context?

mariostabile1 commented 1 month ago

Pull request closed for error

verhovsky commented 1 month ago


mariostabile1 commented 1 month ago


I wrote down some substitutions for the not appropriate phrases, with some different italian sentences (not correlated with the english doc for fish)

Substitutions are:

fish is better than bash -> Questo testo sarà stampato sul terminale = This text will be printed on the terminal sick egg, nadia. no u do really goofy shit. -> Qui cisarà un testo = Here there'll be some text It's very late I should not waste my time with this -> Testo testo, bla bla bla = Text text, blah blah Nobody heard you -> Altro testo, bla bla = More text, blah blah install Gentoo -> Potresti provare fish su WSL = You could try fish on WSL I use arch btw -> Su MacOS c'è fish! = On MacOS there is fish!

I hope the changes go well