Open jmohler1970 opened 8 years ago
I have this code handy
<form action="index.cfm?action=process" method="post" class="form-inline"> <div class="form-group"> <cfoutput> <input type="text" name="zip" value="" /> </cfoutput> </div> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-large">Get Weather</button> </form> <cfif url.action EQ "process"> <cfhttp url=",us&appid=#application.openweatherkey#"> <cfset JSONdata = DeserializeJSON(cfhttp.Filecontent)> <cfoutput> <h1>Weather for #encodeForHTML(</h1> <blockquote> <p>Temperature: #DegreesKtoC(JSONData.main.temp)# (Hi: #DegreesKtoC(JSONData.main.temp_max)# / Lo: #DegreesKtoC(JSONData.main.temp_min)#)<p> <p>Wind: #encodeForHTML(JSONData.wind.speed)# km/h. Clouds: #encodeForHTML(JSONData.clouds.all)#%</p> <footer>Powered by <a href="" target="_blank">OpenWeatherMap</a></footer> </blockquote> </cfoutput> <cfdump var="#JSONData#" expand="no"> </cfif>
I am thinking of working this up for either JSON or CFHTTP. It is just there is a lot support code in this. I am wondering if a different approach is in order
I have this code handy
I am thinking of working this up for either JSON or CFHTTP. It is just there is a lot support code in this. I am wondering if a different approach is in order