adamcameron / cfml24h

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No images chapter? #3

Closed cfjedimaster closed 9 years ago

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

Why no chapter on images? It seems like one of the more popular parts of CF and something that would be used by a lot of people.

adamcameron commented 9 years ago

It's not core to the language, IMO. Indeed I'd not even have that stuff in the language @ all if it was up to me. Same with PDF, spreasdhseets, charts etc.

Also: this is not the CFWACK (sorry mate - I know you contributed to it - but in a way it's an antidote to CFWACK) in which there's an attempt to jam in every little feature. It's how to program CFML. Once one gets the general core stuff, reading the docs and writing <cfimage> isn't very difficult.

This is intended to be a very opinionated book.

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

I guess my question is then - is the idea to discuss web application dev at all, or just lang?

adamcameron commented 9 years ago

Web app, per se? Perhaps not. The requisite HTTP integration elements that one needs to understand about where CFML fits into things? Def. Also code organisation for old-school "CFML which outputs HTML" apps would be covered in the MVC chapter too.

TBH, I think the idea that CFML is for entire web apps is a bit out of date. It should back a web app, but I want to strongly differentiate between code that outputs stuff, an code that returns stuff. This is why tags will be a very very minor part of this work, and REST will get much more coverage.

People should be using the client to handle the client side of things, and the server to handle the server side of things.

It's perhaps important to bear in mind this is not a ColdFusion book. It's a CFML book. It's specifically not a ColdFusion book, and my position on CFML is that Railo is the leader in that space, and they downplay a lot of the non-core elements of CFML that ColdFusion has in there (basically stuff like is only even in there for cross-compat).

I will, however, be avoiding vendor references or vendor-specifics as much as possible. And my normal anger at Adobe will be completely absent (especially if I have people picking me up on it, when I stray ;-)

Also... other than general themes, a lot of the chapters suggested here are not very fully formed in my head yet ;-)

cfjedimaster commented 9 years ago

I agree with a lot of what you say (where CFML should and should not be used). I worry though about how someone will be able to make practical use of what is read here. But its something that can be looked at towards the end maybe.

adamcameron commented 9 years ago

Yeah def. Really: nothing is set in stone, too.

As for positioning of the target audience... it's very much aimed at existing CFML developers as much as new ones. Perhaps even more so, in some ways ;-)

ryanguill commented 9 years ago

I agree with ray and also see your perspective adam. I can go both ways on images, but I believe that spreadsheets are also a very common use case for CFML programmers.

I would argue websockets don't belong if images and spreadsheets don't. I would even argue that ORM doesn't (of course I am biased here) - or if it does it deserves one small chapter.

adamcameron commented 9 years ago

OK, well all the various bits 'n' pieces discussed here are listed where appropriate I think? Obviously there could be re-org later on.