Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago
Great insight, thanks for sharing your knowledge; it is highly helpful to a novice like me.
Why use Rust on the backend?
Because it's shit, and shit generally comes from back ends.
Quite useful piece of information, for a RUst newbie like me. Thanks for sharing.
What toolset did you use to measure the performance? I am just curious.
Thank you for this nuanced and reasoned opinion. Any hint to resources/ways to improve rust knowledge (especially useful) for go dev?
Just a note on databases. Sqlx type checks your SQL queries at build time by testing each query against a real test database, so if you don't want the pain of an orm and prefer manually crafted SQL queries, you don't have to give up type safety. It also has a migration system.
Thank you for the article, it really helps someone thinking of using new stuff
Why use Rust on the backend?
I don't care about avoiding GC or about maximum performance. I treat Rust as a high level language.