adamcharnock / django-hordak

Double entry accounting in Django
MIT License
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Inviting additional maintainers #43

Closed adamcharnock closed 1 month ago

adamcharnock commented 4 years ago

Going by my history with Hordak, it looks like I'm checking in with this library around every 6 months. I originally built it as a project for a community in which I no longer live. I expect to use it again in future, but I think it would be good for the project as a whole if it had:

  1. Multiple maintainers
  2. Maintainers which were using the library professionally/regularly

Therefore, I would like to open a discussion with @p-baum and @PetrDlouhy about whether they would like to be maintainers. (EDIT: Also open to others getting involved!)

@p-baum & @PetrDlouhy – I have appreciated your contributions, they were of a high standard, and I also find that you both communicate well. Would you be interested in becoming maintainers?

This doesn't necessarily require any time commitment on your parts. You are using Hordak and as a result are making contributions here. I hope that being able to improve the project directly (without waiting 6 months for me to respond) will only make the process more appealing to you.

I would also be supportive of refactoring or operational changes too. Early on I would prefer you to outline the change you would like to make in a ticket for me to look over. However, medium & long term I would be happy for you to have more autonomy.

Let me know if you are interested. Happy to answer any questions.