Closed nadeemja closed 10 years ago
I don't really have time for any freelance work. If you want to use this anywhere else, commercially or other wise, please keep in mind.
If all you are looking for is API access to the underlying data, see
You are awesome.
If you're in Trondheim, then please allow me to buy you a beer some time!
Thanks so much for the API-link. :)
Don't see the date question you posted any more, but basically you have all the info you need, just in terms of week numbers, days and year. So something like the following in python will convert friday week 22 in 2014 to a date. Just make sure you are using the same system to count weeks as the API (they use ISO weeks) and note that day zero is sunday in strptime, well, because :('%d %d %d' % (2014, 22, 4), '%Y %W %w')))
Are you available for some paid work to make a few small tweaks, and also implement a JSON api to the timetable generator?
Please contact me at