# Per-process configuration options
# The number of this type of process that should be started (default is 1)
quantity: 2
# The path to store STDOUT/STDERR output for this process (default is to
# store in the procodile log or in the log_root if specified)
log_path: log/processs/web.log
# Set the name of the log file to use if log_path isn't provided and a
# log_root has been set.
log_file_name: webserver.log
# The mode that should be used when restart this process (default
# is term-start)
restart_mode: usr2
# The maximum number of respawns that are permitted in the re-spawn
# window (default is 5)
- max_repawns: 10
+ max_respawns: 10
I found a problematic typo in https://github.com/adamcooke/procodile/wiki/Configuration
I'd like you to fix it, please 🙏
Ref: https://github.com/adamcooke/procodile/blob/57f42940715cba7186f0ce82b9bc4763f384cf2a/lib/procodile/process.rb#L56-L58