adamcoulombe / dw-compass-codehints

SASS/Compass CSS3 Code Hinting Extension for Dreamweaver
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Extension doesn't show up for Adobe Dw CS6 on Windows? #2

Open Giovanni-Mattucci opened 11 years ago

Giovanni-Mattucci commented 11 years ago

Seems that the CS6 Adobe Extension Manager on Windows doesn't recognize the .mxi extension.

Was this written for mac only?

Might want to state that.

Thank you for writing this plugin though!

Giovanni-Mattucci commented 11 years ago

Shortly after writing this I found this article which shows you how to package the .mxi file into a .mxp or .zxp file.

adamcoulombe commented 11 years ago

No, I use this on windows.

I realize some people have had issues getting this to work on CS6 but unfortunately I dont have CS6 to be able to test and fix this so if anyone is able to provide fixes I would love to update the plugin to be more compatible

Mark-LaCroix commented 11 years ago

I may have found something. In the MXI file, it details where to put the SASSCodeHints.xml file, using the path: $dreamweaver/Configuration/CodeHints" (with an uppercase 'C')

However, in CS6, the path is: "$dreamweaver/configuration/CodeHints" (with a lowercase 'c')

I don't know if this matters, or if it was different in previous versions (I seem to remember that it may have been), but as soon as I manually placed the XML file in the CodeHints folder, naturally the code hinting started working. Of course, it doesn't explain why MMDocumentTypes.xml is not updated when installing the extension in CS6.

In any case, CS6 users can open up the MXI file and suss out how to install the three functions of this extension manually if they need to.

Code coloring and extension recognition are easy, but the code hinting XML is the real prize here. Kudos for putting it together!

adamcoulombe commented 11 years ago

I'm sure theres probably an easy fix to it. It likely has something to do with the folders. If my memory serves me correct, DW will read file extensions in two different spots. Heres what they are in CS5. Maybe the user one is different for cs6?

This I think is where the User copy goes (ie, any extensions?): C:\Users\{USERNAME}\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CS{VERSION}\en_US\Configuration\DocumentTypes\MMDocumentTypes.xml and C:\Users\{USERNAME}\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CS{VERSION}\en_US\Configuration\CodeHints\SASSCodeHints.xml

and the other is the defaults I guess: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS{VERSION}\configuration\DocumentTypes\MMDocumentTypes.xml and C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS{VERSION}\configuration\CodeHints\

Like you said, all the functionality is all here, but the API for building extensions is so poorly documented (especially nuances between versions like cs5.5 & cs6) that Its almost impossible to figure out what the problem with the extension is without some trial and error (and of course, a working version of CS6)