Closed TrulyRazor closed 11 years ago
You need to install mysqloo.
I have it in my lua/bin folder. Is this correct?
Where should it go, then? That's where it says to put it on the MySQLOO Facepunch thread.
Ask on Facepunch, this is an issue with you not being able to follow simple instructions, not Pointshop.
I have the Pointshop-MySQL-Master addon on my server, but when the server changes maps, I get this error:
Lua Error: [ERROR] addons/pointshop-mysql-master/lua/providers/mysql.lua:35: Couldn't load module library! 1. require - [C]:-1 2. unknown - addons/pointshop-mysql-master/lua/providers/mysql.lua:35 3. include - [C]:-1 4. LoadDataProviders - addons/pointshop-master/lua/sv_pointshop.lua:248 5. Initialize - addons/pointshop-master/lua/sh_pointshop.lua:44 6. unknown - addons/pointshop-master/lua/autorun/pointshop.lua:34