adamdebono / ADFlipTransition

An alternative presentation animation for iOS. Mimics the flip animation from the iOS iTunes/App Store.
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Flipped UIViewController not getting released? #13

Open sorted-bits opened 10 years ago

sorted-bits commented 10 years ago

I am flipping a UIViewController from another UIViewController, once a button is pressed, like this:

SomeViewController* someViewController = [[SomeViewController alloc] init];

[self flipToViewController: someViewController fromView:_myButton asChildWithSize:CGRectInset(self.view.frame, 50, 50).size withCompletion:^{

In my flipped UIViewController I have a button which triggers the following method:

[self dismissFlipWithCompletion:NULL];

Just like in the example. The thing is, my UIViewController is observing an object and on dealloc I remove the observers. But my UIViewController is never released.

If I exchange the flip transition for a 'normal' addSubview action. The view is nicely released once I removeFromSuperView the view of the UIViewController.

SomeViewController* someViewController = [[SomeViewController alloc] init];
[self.views addSubView:someViewController.view];
vimer commented 8 years ago

same problem, please someone fix it