adamdriscoll / poshprotools

PowerShell Pro Tools and Universal Dashboard
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Feature request New-UDRow -Title / New-UDSection #271

Open Stephanevg opened 6 years ago

Stephanevg commented 6 years ago

Hi, It would be great to have the possibility to create a header for a particular section.


Until now, I use New-UDRow to create a main section, which will contain several New-UDColumn(s) that go together.

To segment this 'logically' with the rest, It would be great if the New-UDColumn could have a non mandatory -Title parameter. When Added, it would create above the row a <h1,2,3 > with the text (underline would be best)..

Perhaps as another approach (or an additional feature request maybe?) something like New-UDSection which would contain an array of New-UDColumns. Again, the section should have the possibility to have a title, to make seperate parts of the webpage stand out.

I think this would be easier then addind an extra New-UDHtml -Markup "

My Segment"

" between each logical part of my webpage.