adamdruppe / arsd

This is a collection of modules that I've released over the years. Most of them stand alone, or have just one or two dependencies in here, so you don't have to download this whole repo.
530 stars 127 forks source link

ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/usr/X11/lib' #261

Closed joelcnz closed 4 years ago

joelcnz commented 4 years ago

Using macOS 10.15.6 With "dependencies": { "arsd-official": "~>8.3.1",

Maybe just use sub configurations, idk.

Linking... ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/usr/X11/lib' ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/usr/X11/lib' ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/usr/X11/lib' ld: library not found for -lcrypto clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) Error: linker exited with status 1 /Library/D/dmd/bin/dmd failed with exit code 1.

adamdruppe commented 4 years ago

Apple removed their X server, you now need to install it separately. I think it will work if you fetch XQuartz from the app store.

I barely support Apple stuff since it deprecates stuff so often....

adamdruppe commented 4 years ago

What are you trying to do btw? Does the X server look like a reasonable thing for you?

I've been slowly working on reviving the Cocoa port and you can compile it too with -version=OSXCocoa -version=allow_unimplemented_features. But very little of it actually works right now so almost certainly useless to you.

But if there's just a few features needed I might be able to slap them together in shortish time.

joelcnz commented 4 years ago

I haven't actually tried using X server. So I don't anything about it really. Having said that, I did try to find XQuartz in App Store, but no. Looks like I can get it from its web site though.

I just have to use sub configurations. Like I should anyway (isn't it called smelly programming to do things like, 'import std;')

Thanks for replying. I've got a bunch of posts, lately, that have no replies. One problem brakes all my Windows Allegro 5 programs since I can't link the lib files.

adamdruppe commented 4 years ago

So my libs are actually designed to bring in what is needed as needed when you just have the whole thing on your computer... but dub doesn't support that. So on dub yeah you should use the subpackages. I kinda hate it too especially with how easy it is with plain dmd to incrementally pull stuff in.

but yeah if using dub, there's subpackages for the most common individual modules so you can get them without corrupting the build with stuff you don't need.

What are your other problems btw? I don't really follow other libs that closely and it seems more and more questions as time goes on are esoteric to some library so I don't jump in but I still migt be able to help if you wanna put it here or paste links or whatever.

joelcnz commented 4 years ago

Using Windows 10.

In my dub.json file I have: "lflags" : ["+..\DAllegro5\lib\"],

But I get: Linking... lld-link: error: could not open '+..\DAllegro5\lib\': no such file or directory lld-link: error: could not open 'allegro.lib': no such file or directory ... lld-link: error: could not open 'allegro_audio.lib': no such file or directory Error: linker exited with status 1

Of course, I have lib files in there (DAllegro5\lib\ ..). Is there a different switch I can use in my dub file.

It was working on another computer. I'm doing it strait off a flash drive, (I've tried it on computer drive with no difference).

adamdruppe commented 4 years ago

I don't really know the linker command line very well on Windows but you might be able to use "/LIBPATH:..\DAllegro5\lib" instead of the + thing for better results. I'd try that first and see what happens.

joelcnz commented 4 years ago

Thanks, that's better than '+' alright. It now says that the 'lib' files aren't recognised.

adamdruppe commented 4 years ago

How did you make those lib files? There's three common formats of lib files on Windows: 32 bit OMF, 32 bit COFF, and 64 bit COFF.

OMF is the 1990's format. dmd still uses it but most everything else doesn't support it anymore. So if you just did dmd -lib yourfile.d you might be using this.

COFF is the new one and what you want to use for interop with the new thing. lld-link uses it too and dub defaults to it. If building the library with dmd though, be sure you pass -m32mscoff or -m64 to it while building to use this format. (32 vs 64 bits needs to match too but that's a different errors so I presume you already doing that right)

Looking at this website: assuming that's the package you use, the instructions here "You will need to generate the import libraries for Allegro's dll files using implib.exe that you can download here: " are about that old OMF format.

Until recently (last year or so iirc), most libraries would give instructions for the old format because that was dmd's default and switching it meant downloading Visual Studio so they assumed people wouldn't bother. That's changed, now dmd includes full support out of the box, so this is gonna trip you up now, I don't think they updated the website.

Instead, I'd recommend just downloading the official file and seeing if there's .lib files included with it and using them directly. The included ones should be in the new COFF format and thus be compatible with the new lld-link in dmd.

joelcnz commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the info.

joelcnz commented 4 years ago

I don't see any .lib files there.

adamdruppe commented 4 years ago

There's some in the Windows binary downloads, I just tried and there's some in those zips (the github releases only appear to offer gcc-style .a files...). Or if you build it from source with visual studio it will create them.

tbh hassles like this are why i personally just don't use libraries. i hate this whole search, build, deploy process.

joelcnz commented 4 years ago

Now I get undefined errors:

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: al_color_name_to_rgb

referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:55 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base9getColourFAyaZS8allegro55color13ALLEGRO_COLOR)

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: al_map_rgb_f

referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:58 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base9getColourFAyaZS8allegro55color13ALLEGRO_COLOR)

adamdruppe commented 4 years ago

are you also including the allegro_color lib file in your link?

joelcnz commented 4 years ago

I got it to stop complaining about the lib files.

adamdruppe commented 4 years ago

yay! lol

joelcnz commented 4 years ago

Just the undefined errors I mentioned, now.

adamdruppe commented 4 years ago

just those two? the docs do say they are part of the allegro_color addon lib so do check that again, otherwise they might actually be C macros instead of formal functions. the "view source" links are broken in the documentation, ugh, still though that's it isn't it:

and that's no macro...


tbh at this point if you can't solve it for real, you could hack it by just defining an extern(C) function somewhere in your code with the same name and just an assert(0); body.... to appease the linker and get moving forward.

joelcnz commented 4 years ago

Not just those two - heaps of them.

adamdruppe commented 4 years ago

Can you paste the whole output? There might be a clue hidden in there.

joelcnz commented 4 years ago

D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters>dub --verbose Using dub registry url '' Refreshing local packages (refresh existing: true)... Looking for local package map at C:\ProgramData\dub\packages\local-packages.json Looking for local package map at C:\Users\nev\AppData\Local\dub\packages\local-packages.json Looking for local package map at D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters.dub\packages\local-packages.json Note: Failed to determine version of package balliters at .. Assuming ~master. Refreshing local packages (refresh existing: false)... Looking for local package map at C:\ProgramData\dub\packages\local-packages.json Looking for local package map at C:\Users\nev\AppData\Local\dub\packages\local-packages.json Looking for local package map at D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters.dub\packages\local-packages.json Found dependency allegro 4.0.4+5.2.0 Refreshing local packages (refresh existing: false)... Looking for local package map at C:\ProgramData\dub\packages\local-packages.json Looking for local package map at C:\Users\nev\AppData\Local\dub\packages\local-packages.json Looking for local package map at D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters.dub\packages\local-packages.json Found dependency allegro 4.0.4+5.2.0 Generating using build Configuring dependent balliters, deps:"allegro" Configuring dependent allegro, deps: Performing "debug" build using D:\jpro\dmd2\windows\bin64\dmd.exe for x86_64. allegro 4.0.4+5.2.0: target for configuration "no-libs" is up to date. Using existing build in C:\Users\nev\AppData\Local\dub\packages\allegro-4.0.4_5.2.0\allegro.dub\build\no-libs-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-0F8A7C412A952CF9C6319EAE06E6FE40. Copying target from C:\Users\nev\AppData\Local\dub\packages\allegro-4.0.4_5.2.0\allegro.dub\build\no-libs-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-0F8A7C412A952CF9C6319EAE06E6FE40\dallegro5.lib to C:\Users\nev\AppData\Local\dub\packages\allegro-4.0.4_5.2.0\allegro Target 'D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters.dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.exe' doesn't exist, need rebuild. balliters ~master: building configuration "application"... D:\jpro\dmd2\windows\bin64\dmd.exe -m64 -c -of.dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj -debug -g -w -version=Have_balliters -version=Have_allegro -Isource -IC:\Users\nev\AppData\Local\dub\packages\allegro-4.0.4_5.2.0\allegro ..\Jeca\jeca\all.d ..\Jeca\jeca\base.d ..\Jeca\jeca\bmp.d ..\Jeca\jeca\misc.d ..\Jeca\jeca\snd.d ..\Jext\jext\all.d ..\Jext\jext\base.d ..\Jext\jext\letter.d ..\Jext\jext\lettermanager.d source\balliters.d source\base.d source\blets.d source\bletsman.d source\board.d source\display.d source\dotman.d source\fps.d source\game.d source\gameover.d source\help.d source\input.d source\larverbombblow.d source\lazer.d source\lazerbeam.d source\menu.d source\mine.d source\piece.d source\pointer.d source\popup.d source\setup.d source\shield.d source\ship.d source\tkey.d source\unit.d source\unitlist.d source\weakbrickblow.d source\wordsounds.d -vcolumns Compile time: Go go, military hovercraphs, ships are go! source\piece.d(16,42): Deprecation: returning this.m_type escapes a reference to parameter this, perhaps annotate with return source\piece.d(19,40): Deprecation: returning this.m_boardGfx escapes a reference to parameter this, perhaps annotate with return source\pointer.d(34,4): Deprecation: foreach: loop index implicitly converted from size_t to int Linking... D:\jpro\dmd2\windows\bin64\dmd.exe -of.dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.exe .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj C:\Users\nev\AppData\Local\dub\packages\allegro-4.0.4_5.2.0\allegro.dub\build\no-libs-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-0F8A7C412A952CF9C6319EAE06E6FE40\dallegro5.lib -L/LIBPATH:..\DAllegro5\lib -m64 -g lld-link: error: undefined symbol: al_color_name_to_rgb

referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:55 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base9getColourFAyaZS8allegro55color13ALLEGRO_COLOR)

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: al_map_rgb_f

referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:58 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base9getColourFAyaZS8allegro55color13ALLEGRO_COLOR)

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: al_map_rgb

referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:114 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base12ColourStruct11makeColoursMFZv) referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:115 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base12ColourStruct11makeColoursMFZv) referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:116 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base12ColourStruct11makeColoursMFZv) referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:117 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base12ColourStruct11makeColoursMFZv) referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:118 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base12ColourStruct11makeColoursMFZv) referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:119 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base12ColourStruct11makeColoursMFZv) referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:120 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base12ColourStruct11makeColoursMFZv) referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:121 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base12ColourStruct11makeColoursMFZv) referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:122 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base12ColourStruct11makeColoursMFZv) referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:123 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base12ColourStruct11makeColoursMFZv) referenced 3 more times

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: al_create_event_queue

referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:160 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base4InitFAAyaiZi) referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:324 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base10init_inputFZv)

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: al_install_keyboard

referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d-mixin-178:178 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base4InitFAAyaiZi)

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: al_get_keyboard_event_source

referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:179 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base4InitFAAyaiZi) referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:325 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base10init_inputFZv)

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: al_register_event_source

referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:179 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base4InitFAAyaiZi) referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:187 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base4InitFAAyaiZi) referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:295 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base4InitFAAyaiZi) referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:325 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base10init_inputFZv) referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:326 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base10init_inputFZv)

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: al_install_mouse

referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d-mixin-186:186 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base4InitFAAyaiZi)

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: al_get_mouse_event_source

referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:187 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base4InitFAAyaiZi)

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: al_install_audio

referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d-mixin-193:193 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base4InitFAAyaiZi)

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: al_init_acodec_addon

referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d-mixin-194:194 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base4InitFAAyaiZi)

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: al_reserve_samples

referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d-mixin-195:195 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base4InitFAAyaiZi)

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: al_init_image_addon

referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:202 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base4InitFAAyaiZi)

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: al_init_font_addon

referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:204 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base4InitFAAyaiZi)

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: al_init_ttf_addon

referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:206 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base4InitFAAyaiZi)

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: al_init_primitives_addon

referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:208 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base4InitFAAyaiZi)

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: al_set_new_display_flags

referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:292 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base4InitFAAyaiZi)

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: al_create_display

referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:294 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base4InitFAAyaiZi)

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: al_get_display_event_source

referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:295 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base4InitFAAyaiZi) referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:326 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base10init_inputFZv)

lld-link: error: undefined symbol: al_hide_mouse_cursor

referenced by D:\jpro\dpro2\Windows\Balliters..\Jeca\jeca\base.d:299 .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\balliters.obj:(_D4jeca4base4InitFAAyaiZi)

lld-link: error: too many errors emitted, stopping now (use /errorlimit:0 to see all errors) Error: linker exited with status 1 FAIL .dub\build\application-debug-windows-x86_64-dmd_2093-6DBCC4520FAB2D793A3ABC227A0541C3\ balliters executable D:\jpro\dmd2\windows\bin64\dmd.exe failed with exit code 1.


adamdruppe commented 4 years ago

That final command line didn't actually link the libraries.... and this is why:

allegro 4.0.4+5.2.0: target for configuration "no-libs" is up to date.

It is building the wrong config! looking at the source code here there's a subconfig you want to get the libs added to the command.

So, back to your own dub config file, you will have a line like "dependencies": {"allegro": "whatever"}.

After that dependencies section, add: "subConfigurations": {"allegro": "all-addons"}


or if you are using the other format there's an example here

Then give it a build....

joelcnz commented 4 years ago

That got me farther, but I get this error, and I can't find that file (with the others I renamed them - like 'allegro_acodec-5.0.10-md.lib' to just ''allegro_acodec.lib').

lld-link: error: could not open 'allegro_video.lib': no such file or directory Err

adamdruppe commented 4 years ago

blargh maybe that's an addon not included with the download.

I guess an alternative is you could go back to the way it was, delete the subconfiguration, then copy/paste the libs section into your own dub config and just delete the libs that you can live without

            "libs": [

maybe like that. I see you've been asking in the issues tab of that repo for a while, im not sure the author really kept up with this at all... you might just want to fork the library too, or find a different one.

joelcnz commented 4 years ago

I've spent a lot of time making programs and stuff using allegro with D, including a big game I made (Balliters). I had been using DSFML, until that wouldn't work any more after updating my macOS, and the sound was unstable on Windows. Lately I've been using SDL, and my last program uses Foxid.

Is this right? I get the undefined stuff again.

    "name": "balliters",
    "targetType": "executable",
    "description": "A Poorly Programmed Production. Presenting: Balliters!",
    "copyright": "Copyright © 2017 none",
    "lflags" : ["/LIBPATH:..\\DAllegro5\\lib"],
    "sourcePaths" : ["source",
    "dependencies": {
        "allegro": "~>4.0.1+5.2.0"
    "libs": [
adamdruppe commented 4 years ago

yeah that's what i was thinking... but blargh the dallegro library probably calls some of the other functions in its wrapper and requires all of them. maybe another download would have those codec and video ones.

idk, i feel like we made some progress here but i might not be of much more help. i've never used any of these libraries (the only library code i use regularly are the files in this very repo) so im just completely guessing from general knowledge and a few quick looks at the docs.

it might need a recompile of allegro itself or its extensions, or some modifications to the dallegro library to remove/update code you don't need or something like that.

joelcnz commented 4 years ago

Well, thanks for all your help, anyway.