adamdruppe / arsd

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Unexpectedly huge paddings when wrapping a checkbox inside a blank widget #294

Open WebFreak001 opened 3 years ago

WebFreak001 commented 3 years ago

using wrapped checkbox: grafik

using checkbox: grafik


/+ dub.sdl:
dependency "arsd-official:minigui" version="~>10.1.0"

import arsd.minigui;
import std.conv;
import std.stdio;

void main(string[] args)
    auto window = new MainWindow();

    auto layout = new VerticalLayout(window);

    foreach (i; 0 .. 4)
        auto pair = new HorizontalLayout(layout);
        new LineEdit(pair).content = text("Checkbox ", i + 1);
        // new Checkbox("active", pair);
        new WrappedCheckbox(pair, i);


class WrappedCheckbox : Widget
    // mixin Padding!"1";

    Checkbox cb;
    int i;

    this(Widget parent, int i)
        cb = new Checkbox("active", this);
        cb.addEventListener(EventType.change, &this.update);
        this.i = i;

    void update()
        writeln("change ", i, " to ", cb.isChecked);

it seems it somehow resizes to fill all space now

adamdruppe commented 3 years ago

The checkbox class has a max height, the widget class does not. so the wrapped one ends up flexing to 25% of the available window.

WebFreak001 commented 3 years ago

while that's logical I think it might be a bit unreasonable to require people to clone widgets exactly with all their properties properly. Would it be possible to make the paddings and other styles changable? My use-case was that I just wanted to give the checkbox a little bit of padding

adamdruppe commented 3 years ago

it isn't padding, it is maxHeight. change that in your wrapper and you'll see the behavior magically change

class YourWidget { override int maxHeight() { return 30; } }

that kind of thing

(I think. haven't tried)

WebFreak001 commented 3 years ago

sorry I think you misunderstood, I wanted to say:

I'm making this wrapper class because I want to add padding.

I don't want to reimplement all the specifics of my padded widget (checkbox -> maxHeight, etc.)

Would it be reasonable to allow users to change margin/padding/etc on layouts if not on widgets?

adamdruppe commented 3 years ago

oh yeah i do want to change the spacing from the parent too, i was thinking about adding that pretty soon as a kind of like grid spacing or something