adamdruppe / arsd

This is a collection of modules that I've released over the years. Most of them stand alone, or have just one or two dependencies in here, so you don't have to download this whole repo.
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minigui: Undefined Timer on OSX - LDC 1.36.0 #410

Open MrcSnm opened 6 months ago

MrcSnm commented 6 months ago

When using LDC 1.36.0, on OSX, I've got:

/Users/Hipreme/.dub/packages/arsd-official/~master/arsd-official/minigui.d(12400,9): Error: undefined identifier `Timer`, did you mean alias `Time`?
adamdruppe commented 6 months ago

The timer is only available if extern(Objective-C) is.... so upstream problem with ldc.

adamdruppe commented 6 months ago

An implementation using the XQuartz backend could be possible, it'd probably need to be built on select() timeouts.

Might also simply be able to version out the Timer use in minigui, i believe that instance is for scrolling text when you drag off the top of the window, which would be annoying to not have but you can get by without it.

adamdruppe commented 6 months ago

Actually.... porting that basic thing over to the arsd.core kqueue event loop might also be a solution, I need to do that eventually anyway.