adamdruppe / arsd

This is a collection of modules that I've released over the years. Most of them stand alone, or have just one or two dependencies in here, so you don't have to download this whole repo.
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A few typo's in core.d #433

Closed wilsonk closed 1 month ago

wilsonk commented 1 month ago

Hey Adam,

Just looking through the code in core.d and noticed that there are 7 spots where Schedulable is typo'd to Scheduable (around lines 4550). Just thought I would let you know, in case someone (including you ;) ) runs a search on the proper spelling and the typos don't come up.

adamdruppe commented 1 month ago

golly, blame my auto-complete lol, i typo it once then duplicate every time i use it.

thx tho ill fix it in the next push. some day i need to actually finish all the rest of this stuff so it is legit usable, lol in all the places i use this module's event loop function i ignore all its own i/o things in favor of just registering the old stuff in it. some day. some. day.

adamdruppe commented 1 month ago

fixed now. but yeah you can see where i typed it out again like in the subclass' new name i did it right so def auto complete to blame!

wilsonk commented 1 month ago

Lol, yep that darn auto complete! Happens on my phone all the time, that is for sure ;)