adamdruppe / arsd

This is a collection of modules that I've released over the years. Most of them stand alone, or have just one or two dependencies in here, so you don't have to download this whole repo.
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com.d: support (multi-dimensional) array paramters #438

Closed dkorpel closed 1 month ago

dkorpel commented 1 month ago

This enables setting a range of cells in Excel like so:

auto range = sheet.Range()(sheet.Cells()(5, 1), sheet.Cells()(9, 5));
string[][] val = [["A", "B", "C"], ["CCC", "D", "E"]];
range.Value() = val;
adamdruppe commented 1 month ago

nice. yeah a lot of these aren't too hard to implement i just never got around to them since i have barely actually used this irl.

curious, what kind of work are you doing? obviously excel something lol

dkorpel commented 1 month ago

curious, what kind of work are you doing?

I work part-time for SARC now, which you might know from this article:

Can't say more than that currently lol.

adamdruppe commented 1 month ago

ah i see, i remember their talks, they've done a few interesting libs in D.

well nevertheless lemme know if there's anything you get stuck on and i can help

dkorpel commented 1 month ago

Thanks. I think this covers all the functionality I need, but we'll see. I'm already pleasantly surprised this code exists, Python's win32com module is hard to integrate with Pascal, and I wasn't looking forward to writing C-style COM code.