adamduncan / eleventy-plugin-i18n

Eleventy plugin to assist with internationalization and dictionary translations
MIT License
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[BUG] Output flag is ignored #22

Open andreamoro opened 2 years ago

andreamoro commented 2 years ago

Context I've been setting up an MVP for a site to test Eleventy functionalities, out of which separate folders output content is required. Without the i18n plugin, the following code allow to compile the code in the designated directory outside the source folder.

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
  return {
    dir: {
      input: ".",
      output: "../test/"

However, by the time the plugin is active, the output flag is ignored and the content written under ./_site/src/ Is there anything I'm doing wrong?

adamduncan commented 2 years ago

Hey @andreamoro. I haven't attempted to set the output directory to a sibling of the root/working directory like this. Will have to give this one a go, replicate, and see if there's a sensible solution our side.