adamerose / PandasGUI

A GUI for Pandas DataFrames
MIT No Attribution
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Executing code only if the gui is open #217

Open Czar1249 opened 1 year ago

Czar1249 commented 1 year ago

I'm trying to make a basic script that could open a dataframe in the gui and then update this dataframe every 'x' seconds. However, my best attempt just results in the show() command being executed infinitely with no delay until I kill the script. Here's an example:

updateTimer = 5 
if __name__ == '__main__':
    gui = show(df, settings = {'block': False})

    trackTime = time.time()

    while gui:
        if (time.time() - trackTime >= updateTimer):
            df = pymongo.DataFrame(RedBoard.find())
            df = df[df['Date_Time'].notnull()]
  , 'df')

is there something in the library that would allow me to directly check if the window is open? If not, what would be my best course of action to only execute the code in the while loop when the gui is open?