Using TLDR on a 100GB bam file results in TLDR exiting due to low memory despite being run on a server with 256GB RAM.
For now I will split by chromosome and work on each chromosome separately and I hope that will resolve the memory issue.
However, maybe in future versions the program can utilize better memory management?
Thanks and thank you for this great program.
Dear @eyalmpeer @adamewing @SarahBeecroft,
I am encountering the same memory issue, I am wondering if you have any suggestions/better solutions now?
Thank you very much!
Using TLDR on a 100GB bam file results in TLDR exiting due to low memory despite being run on a server with 256GB RAM. For now I will split by chromosome and work on each chromosome separately and I hope that will resolve the memory issue. However, maybe in future versions the program can utilize better memory management? Thanks and thank you for this great program.