adamfairholm / Elasticquent

Map Larvel Eloquent models to Elasticsearch types
MIT License
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Porting to Laravel/ Illuminate 5 #11

Open itonics-tbeauvais opened 9 years ago

itonics-tbeauvais commented 9 years ago

Laravel 5 is almost out. Are there current plans to adapt the wonderful Elasticquent library to use this new version?

stevepop commented 9 years ago

I am interested in this too as I am currently migrating my codebase to Laravel 5

kticka commented 9 years ago

I'm starting new project on laravel 5, and I hope this pack will be adopted to ;)

cerw commented 9 years ago

Yes please :+1:

nWidart commented 9 years ago

Any updates on this ?

majkiee commented 9 years ago

Yeah, would love to see a L5 port

danhanly commented 9 years ago

Love to see this work for L5

mvodanovic commented 9 years ago

It works with L5, there is a pull request which fixed it: It just hasn't been pulled yet. If you want to use it with composer, just add this to composer.json:

"repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""

And then add this to the require section:

"fairholm/elasticquent": "dev-feature/laravel-5"
stoppy commented 9 years ago

thanks @mvodanovic

mustafaaloko commented 8 years ago

As the author of this package didn't respond to Laravel 5 issue and also didn't merge any pull requests for changes. I have created a new package (Elasticquent 5) on top of this one to be compatible with Laravel 5.

timgws commented 8 years ago

@mustafaaloko there is already one that we (@adamfairholm and myself) are working on supporting now for Laravel 5.

ejlocop commented 8 years ago

@timgws i'm using Laravel 5.1.28, and your elasticquent/elasticquent. after reading the docs. i've found out that app/config/elasticquent.php doesn't exists in my folder after updating the composer. what version of laravel does elasticquent requires?

timgws commented 8 years ago

@ejlocop if it does not exist after updating composer, that is fine. Just add the config file yourself.