adamflentz / Game-Design-Group-7

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Create Title Screen and Character Select Screen #8

Closed Khauri closed 6 years ago

Khauri commented 7 years ago

To establish a proper game flow we will need at the minimum a character select screen and gameplay screen, but a title screen as well as an options screen might also visually enhance the player's experience. I would suggest before our next design presentation that we have at least the character select screen implemented.

What follows are just some ideas I had. Feel free to comment on anything. Keep in mind that the following examples are just quick mock-ups I made to demonstrate some concepts so don't judge them too hard lol.

Title Screen The title screen should introduce the feel of the game. In our case, dark, foreboding, creepy, etc, as well as the title of the game (missing from the mock-up below). Also it should have instructions on how to advance to the next state (the character select in our case).


We don't want the title screen to be too static, so having some type of small animation such as the text pulsing slightly would probably help. Or maybe something like lightning in the background.

Since we have multiple gamepads connected, we could potentially call player 1 the first player who presses a button on the title screen and players 2, 3, and 4 will be assigned in the order in which they press a button to join on the character select screen.

Character Select Screen Basically we just need some way to visually indicate what character the players are selecting as well as what special attribute that character can bring.

An easy way, I thought, was to line all the playable character's portraits in a row and have some sort of virtual cursor for the player (p1, p2...) that highlights what character they're selecting. Below that we could potentially have some icons that give a quick glance at the attribute. Once a character is selected it becomes grayed out, and once all players have selected a character we transition to another screen (settings screen, loading screen, or gameplay screen).

hh screens mockup_character

I tried going for a digitized effect for the one character portrait I did.

adamflentz commented 6 years ago

Lookin good feelin good sleep is fake