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Layout content differently #195

Open adamgell opened 2 years ago

adamgell commented 2 years ago

This isn't so much of a FR as it is a discussion.

How can we structure all this content to be layout more efficiently?

Most IT professionals have wide screens (1920x1080) and we are only utilizing a small section of it.

I am thinking across the top of the page. We add pages to Voice, PowerBI, etc and section those links off to pages rather than a huge list on the front page.

I would also like to figure out a way for GitHub actions to sort the links in the group alphabetically.


For the gov page, I made different groups... inside those groups the GitHub action would sort the lists in alpha order.

for me later:

gov page anything that is ".US" is GCC High. Most of them are mis-tagged.

adamgell commented 2 years ago

@PsychoData @adamfowlerit tagging you for your feedback.

PsychoData commented 2 years ago

Yeah, I know what you mean. Whole big screen space, and it's just all one column along the left.

One possible solution would be finding some CSS lists/gallery thing that would let us switch back and forth, and display items in a grid?

adamfowlerit commented 2 years ago

adding @mdjx too

Agree on the sizing, but wider would have a larger disconnect between portal name and link, so we might need to make the portal names clickable links too?

Breaking down the page more makes the existing search less useful - I did consider the idea of having the main page with everything, and the buttons up top could just jump to sections rather than different pages?

Alphabetical per section would be nice! I've been doing this manually but it's not perfect and more effort with other contributions.

Govt portals - yes having someone who actually works in with those fixing them would be very helpful :) Generally based on contributions from others.

adamgell commented 2 years ago

If we could have the search box index all the pages that would resolve that issue.


We could make a huge page (lazy loaded?) and then buttons across the top to jump to sessions.

I need to figure out how to get this loaded in VSCode and locally displaying. Then I can how to modify the formatting.

Do we just fire up a local Jekyll instance?

adamfowlerit commented 2 years ago

I'm liking the idea of one huge page - it's just text :) and buttons to jump to sections. The keyword search for me with instant display is the way I use the site now.

I can't help dev wise :(

adamgell commented 2 years ago

@PsychoData Any idea about the dev env?

adamgell commented 2 years ago

adamgell commented 2 years ago

mdjx commented 2 years ago

I haven't worked with the docker env previously (must have been added after my contributions) but my process was: Clone the repo, open it in VSCode, that will prompt you to start a container and install docker if you don't have it, then run jekyll serve from the terminal to start the development web server.

Changes in the above PR Made the index page show all the portals and the Admin portals now have their own page. image

The portals on the new index are still grouped, and the groups are listed in alphabetical order based on the JSON data filenames (admin, thirdparty, us-govt, user).

If anyone else wants to have a play with the PR before merging that would be great as it's been a while since I've worked on the codebase. I'm not particularly happy with the code as there is a lot of duplication in the new allportals.html file, but my familiarity with Jekyll was never great, so there's plenty of room for refactoring.

Aaaaand as I'm writing this I realized you guys actually wanted only the one page with anchor tags to the various sections, so feel free to use this as starting point, though I may have time to have another play tomorrow to make it work as described.

adamfowlerit commented 2 years ago

Now I've gotta work out how to make a live version of this to play around with :)

adamgell commented 1 year ago

I got distracted but I will write up a docker container with all the parts to dev this repo.

Run Docker and open in Vscode to edit is my plan.

mdjx commented 1 year ago

BTW I think if my PR is merged it may auto close the issue so @adamfowlerit feel free to re-open it after as I think there's more to do/discuss than just the changes in the PR.

adamfowlerit commented 1 year ago

Waiting for @adamgell to do this :)