adamhaile / surplus

High performance JSX web views for S.js applications
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Typescript JSX output is incompatible with html tags in regex expressions #45

Open visj opened 6 years ago

visj commented 6 years ago

Hello! I've recently started using Surplus and it's really great! But I think I've found a bug in the compiler:

// controller.ts
export function update(text : string) : string {
    return text.replace(/<br>+/g, '\n');
// view.tsx 
export const TestEditor = () => {
    const text ='Hello'),
    onkeyup = ({ target: { value } } : any) => {
    return (
            Text is: {text()}
        <input value={text()} onKeyUp={onkeyup} /> 
// main.ts
S.root(() => {
        const testEditor = TestEditor();
        document.body.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', testEditor);

This produces the error: ERROR in ./public/js/controller.ts Module build failed: Error: element missing close tag at line 19 col 25: ``
+/g, '\n');} '' at ERR (/node_modules/surplus/compiler/index.js:354:15) at jsxElement (/node_modules/surplus/compiler/index.js:162:17) at program (/node_modules/surplus/compiler/index.js:91:31) at parse (/node_modules/surplus/compiler/index.js:83:12) at Object.compile (/node_modules/surplus/compiler/index.js:1444:45) at Object.preprocess (/node_modules/surplus-loader/index.js:7:33) @ ./public/js/main.ts 3:7-49

I think the problem lies in the surplus-loader. Compiling the regex with Babel works fine when I test that! Edit: I'm running the 0.5 beta of surplus-loader.

adamhaile commented 6 years ago

Yep, this is a bug. Unfortunately, it happens to show a weakness of the current compiler architecture. Currently, Surplus correctly handles text that looks like it might be a tag when it's inside strings or comments -- "<br>" or /* <br> */ -- but it happens to be harder to tell if you're inside a regular expression in the javascript syntax. For instance /<br>/g should parse as a regular expression but 1/<br>/g should not (in the context of the preceding 1, the slashes become division operators).

If it helps, you can work around the issue by just making a semantically meaningless change that separates the '<' from the first character of the tag, so convert /<br>/g to /[b]r/g or /(b)r/g.

I'm likely going to move to a more established JSX parser, like acorn, in the future, which would resolve this issue.

visj commented 6 years ago

Aha, I see! The workaround solved the problem, thanks for the tip!

MotorHeat commented 5 years ago

Hi, I also faced with this issue (surplus compiler not always properly parses JavaScript regular expressions). Unfortunately I cannot change the RegExp because it is in 3rd party library. If you try to use "path-parser" npm package together with Suerplus (I am using parcel bundler) then you will get this error:

C:\csv\s-and-n\surplus-test\node_modules\path-parser\dist\es\path-parser.js: bad element name at line 33 col 51: ``<(.+?)>)?/,        regex: fu''
    at ERR (C:\csv\s-and-n\surplus-test\node_modules\surplus\compiler\index.js:373:19)
    at jsxElement (C:\csv\s-and-n\surplus-test\node_modules\surplus\compiler\index.js:121:17)
    at program (C:\csv\s-and-n\surplus-test\node_modules\surplus\compiler\index.js:91:35)
    at parse (C:\csv\s-and-n\surplus-test\node_modules\surplus\compiler\index.js:83:16)
    at Object.compile (C:\csv\s-and-n\surplus-test\node_modules\surplus\compiler\index.js:1512:49)
    at JSAsset.pretransform (C:\csv\s-and-n\surplus-test\node_modules\parcel-plugin-surplus\lib\js-asset.js:8:37)
    at JSAsset.process (C:\csv\s-and-n\surplus-test\node_modules\parcel-bundler\src\Asset.js:205:18)
    at <anonymous>

And the source code in "path-parser" is:

var rules = [
        name: 'url-parameter',
        pattern: /^:([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*[a-zA-Z0-9]{1})(<(.+?)>)?/,
        regex: function (match) {
            return new RegExp(defaultOrConstrained(match[2]));

Do you have any suggestions on this? You had a great plan to migrate surplus compiler to acron, any progress here?

By the way, thank you for a so great library.