In below code, spyre is imported after matplotlib.
Run this program, open "" and change company to be any other value, the plotted image will never be drawn. In the "console" panel of chrome, the plot call is always pending.
I am using standard WinPython-64bit- package, matplotlib version "matplotlib-1.5.0rc3.dist-info", just installed spyre with "pip install datasprye"
from future import absolute_import
from future import division
from future import print_function
from future import unicode_literals
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from spyre import server
class StockExample(server.App):
title = "Historical Stock Prices"
In below code, spyre is imported after matplotlib. Run this program, open "" and change company to be any other value, the plotted image will never be drawn. In the "console" panel of chrome, the plot call is always pending.
I am using standard WinPython-64bit- package, matplotlib version "matplotlib-1.5.0rc3.dist-info", just installed spyre with "pip install datasprye"
` from future import absolute_import from future import division from future import print_function from future import unicode_literals
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from spyre import server
class StockExample(server.App): title = "Historical Stock Prices"
app = StockExample() app.launch(port=9012)