adamhartford / SwiftR

Swift client for SignalR (iOS and Mac)
MIT License
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Use SignalR -pre Versions #92

Open fhaussener opened 7 years ago

fhaussener commented 7 years ago

I have SignalR running on a .Net Core Server, which does only support the v2.2.0-pre version. Is there some way to get SwiftR working with -pre versions?

adamhartford commented 7 years ago

I haven't checked in a little while, but all the times I have tried to use .NET Core SignalR with SwiftR, using v2.2.0 in SwiftR still worked. Have you tried this?

fhaussener commented 7 years ago

As much as I know there is no 2.2.0 version for .NET Core but theres a 2.2.0-pre. Do you have any Reference on this? Or do you mean to use SwiftR with 2.2.0-pre?

adamhartford commented 7 years ago

I mean use v2.2.0 everywhere in SwiftR and just connect to the .NET Core SignalR server. That has worked for me in the past.

fhaussener commented 7 years ago

I already tried it like this, but I assumed that I had the error because of the version. So know I get a well known error: Error during negotiation request. I already set the connection.useWKWebView = false. Do you know any other possible mistakes?

jsembdner commented 6 years ago

I think @fhaussener refers to the new SignalR 1.0.0-alpha ( As far as I can see by analyzing the server communication, the handshake changed and e.g. a Websocket is established directly by a 101 Switching Protocol. (See There is no negotiation phase anymore, therefore this client won't be compatible with the new SignalR without some additional work.

Are there any plans to do this? The new JS client is out and could be integrated in this client as well. I would like to begin the work if someone could provide information where to start.