adamhathcock / sharpcompress

SharpCompress is a fully managed C# library to deal with many compression types and formats.
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[Help] [Question] How to create a .tar.gz file? #760

Open SuperJMN opened 9 months ago

SuperJMN commented 9 months ago


I want to create a tar.gz, but seeing the API I can't figure out how.

Thanks :)

BTW, I'm looking to create .deb packages from .NET (without external tools) and I saw that deb files are just tar.gz archives. That's ultimately what I want to do.

btomblinson commented 9 months ago

Check GZipWriterTests, that has an example of writing a tar to a .gz, I don’t think there are any examples of creating the .tar first though

adamhathcock commented 9 months ago

it should be just matter of selecting compression type with the TarWriter or TarArchive

SuperJMN commented 8 months ago

it should be just matter of selecting compression type with the TarWriter or TarArchive

I've tried with this, but I didn't get the desired results.

 public void Test1()
     var tarfile = SharpCompress.Archives.Tar.TarArchive.Create();
     using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream("Some content"u8.ToArray()))
         var entry = tarfile.AddEntry("something.txt", memoryStream);
         using (FileStream fileStream = File.OpenWrite("Myfile.tar.gz"))
             tarfile.SaveTo(fileStream, new TarWriterOptions(CompressionType.GZip, true));
  1. Since I'm making a tar.gz for a Debian package, I would like the unique entry of the tar.gz file to be one named "." (dot). I don't know how to do that :(
  2. The entry I've created is empty.

I hope anyone can shed a big of light. Thanks a lot!

adamhathcock commented 8 months ago

make sure you're disposing everything....that Test1 isn't

SuperJMN commented 8 months ago

OK, the problem doesn't seem to be related with the disposal, but with the way I added the entry:

    tarfile.AddEntry("something.txt", memoryStream);

as opposed to

    tarfile.AddEntry("something.txt", memoryStream, memoryStream.Length);

Now it works.

DannyBoyk commented 5 months ago

If you are working with a set of files in a directory, we found this works really well:

public static void TarGzDirectory(string inputDirectory, string outputFilePath)
    var writerOptions = new WriterOptions(SharpCompress.Common.CompressionType.GZip)
        LeaveStreamOpen = true,

    using (var stream = File.OpenWrite(outputFilePath))
    using (var writer = WriterFactory.Open(stream, SharpCompress.Common.ArchiveType.Tar, writerOptions))
        writer.WriteAll(inputDirectory, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);