adamjakab / BeetsPluginXtractor

A beets plugin for obsessive-compulsive music geeks to add low and high level musical information to their songs.
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Fall back to streaming_extractor_music in PATH if it exists #23

Open Kernald opened 2 years ago

Kernald commented 2 years ago

Use case

streaming_extractor_music already present in $PATH - this simplifies the configuration slightly


If the configuration key isn't set and the binary is in $PATH, silently use it rather than failing. Otherwise, still fail as currently.

JOJ0 commented 2 years ago

Please post an example on how the config would look like with your proposed feature.

JOJ0 commented 2 years ago

@Kernald let me rephrase why it's not entirely clear to me what your feature request is: Are you talking about the stream extractor binary only ooor you mean that we would potentially find svm models as well in that place?

Kernald commented 2 years ago

I was just referring to the binary, as any folder in the $PATH should be a pretty standard location to store those binaries. As far as I know, there's no such standard location for the SVM models.

The reason I opened this issue is that I had the extractor binary in a folder in my $PATH, got an error about the binary being not found and was quite surprised, it's more about expected behaviour than simplifying the configuration file I guess.