adamkocsis / rgplates

R interface to GPlates
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error in winDefaultGPlates() : Could not locate GPlates. #2

Open PaulineGnsr opened 1 month ago

PaulineGnsr commented 1 month ago

Hi Adam,

I am used with rgplates and it has worked very well until last week. I am having two different issues (already submit a first issue) about reconstructing paleocoordinates and offline paleomapping.

I followed the tutorial available here: Below the R script I use and the error message:

td <- tempdir() rgPath <- system.file(package="rgplates") unzip(file.path(rgPath,"extdata/"), exdir=td) pathToPolygons <- file.path(td, "PALEOMAP_PlatePolygons.gpml") pathToRotations <- file.path(td, "PALEOMAP_PlateModel.rot") pm <- platemodel(features=c("static_polygons"=pathToPolygons), rotation=pathToRotations) plOff100 <- rgplates::reconstruct("static_polygons", age=100, model=pm)

Erreur dans winDefaultGPlates() : Could not locate GPlates.

Thank you for your help, Pauline Guenser

adamkocsis commented 1 month ago

Do you have the GPlates Desktop Application installed? If it is installed, did you install it somewhere else than the default?