adamlilith / enmSdmX

Tools for Modeling Niches and Distributions of Species
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Error in evalCountBoyce. #19

Closed rogerio-bio closed 1 year ago

rogerio-bio commented 1 year ago


I used to use enmSdm, but since all packages are migrating to the terra package, I changed my script to work with this package. My R in version 4.2.2, and i'm using package SDMTune in the latest version.

However, always this same error when calculating the CBI:

Here is my script:


Create spatial Points object from species presence dataframe

species <- vect(species_presence_data, geom = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), crs="WGS84")

Extract values of prediction raster at species presence points

pres <- extract(prediction, species)

Create spatial Points object from bg dataframe

bg_CBI <- vect(bg, geom = c("Longitude", "Latitude"), crs="WGS84")

Extract values of prediction raster at background points

contrast <- extract(prediction, bg_CBI)

Calculate Boyce Index using evalContBoyce function

cbiMax <- evalContBoyce(pres, contrast, na.rm = TRUE)

Error in min(c(pres, contrast), na.rm = na.rm) : invalid 'type' (list) of argument

How can i solve this? All my packages are updated.

rogerio-bio commented 1 year ago

I solved the problem

The extract function of the terra package creates a dataframe when creating pres and contrast. However, enmSdmX only accepts numeric objects.

To solve the problem

#Use unlist in the data.frame object pres <- unlist(pres)

#Transform to numeric and the problem is solved. pres <- as.numeric(pres)

The same process should be applied to the contrast object.