adamlove01 / nuxt3-ssr-website

An SSR website using Nuxt3, Vuetify3, Pinia, Tailwind, Knexjs and Joi validation. You can use it as a template to build your own website. Please check out the demo link below. ↓
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pinia module issue #1

Open Asw20 opened 2 months ago

Asw20 commented 2 months ago


I just follow the instruction using a new environement docker and after npm install i get the following error : Cannot find module 'pinia/dist/pinia.mjs'
Require stack:

Asw20 commented 2 months ago

I have forced the installation of pinia as it has been reported some issue with npm with the command : npm i pinia -f

And now I get the following message : [nuxt] Your project has pages but the <NuxtPage /> component has not been used. You might be using the <RouterView /> component instead, which will not work correctly in Nuxt. You can set pages: false in nuxt.config if you do not wish to use the Nuxt vue-router integration.