adamlui / chatgpt-auto-talk

📣 Auto-plays ChatGPT responses
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The 'Real Aloud' button doesn't seem to activate #20

Closed MLBott closed 2 weeks ago

MLBott commented 2 weeks ago

The 'Auto-Talk enabled' shows up in ChatGPT, but the audio doesn't seem to play.

Tested on: Chrome Official browser + Chrome Dev browser Tampermonkey script

EDIT: It's working now, after editing the path for the playIcon node.querySelector. Mine was different. Instead of "M8 3C8.55228" it was "M11 4.9099C11". I'm using the 'Cove' OpenAI custom voice. I don't know if its related to the different custom voices though. Just guessing. The relevant code section is below.

const autoPlayObserver = new MutationObserver(mutationsList => {
    if (config.autoTalkDisabled) return
    for (const mutation of mutationsList) { if (mutation.type === 'childList')
        mutation.addedNodes.forEach(node => { if (node?.tagName == 'DIV') {
            const playIcon = node.querySelector('path[d^="M8 3C8.55228"]')
            if (playIcon) setTimeout(() => {
                if (!chatgpt.getStopGeneratingButton())
            }, 50)
autoPlayObserver.observe(document.querySelector('main'), { childList: true, subtree: true })

Also amazing script! It's so much more interactive now with the 'Read Aloud' auto playing.

adamlui commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you for the report @MLBott I updated the selector since it also changed for me too

Also amazing script! It's so much more interactive now with the 'Read Aloud' auto playing.

Actually it was my vision you can just get speech fluently they tried to copy but implemented poorly (most of the time play button results in error for me) is why this userscript exists.

For background, when I added chatgpt.speak() to chatgpt.js, OpenAI within days copied and started implementing to backcend API. Their product managers/programmers often steal ideas from me + other userscript authors (like the ChatGPT Export and the Render Markdown scripts they copied) because they are very unoriginal and bad at creative thinking.

For frontend implementation, they just copied "Read Aloud" script that added the same button before this existed, but because they are uncreative copycats as mentioned, they even mimicked the exact name (even though it is awkward because author's native language is Chinese not English)

adamlui commented 2 weeks ago

Also the product managers go on to write blog posts announcing these "new" features to sort of pat themselves on the back and gain publicity for supposed innovation. While being paid six figures but the victims they steal from to boost their careers are like poor Chineese college students...

adamlui commented 2 weeks ago

That's kind of why competitors have been steadily beating OpenAI up, they are just not innovative and are like moving backwards for moving slower and standing still while others zoom by. So it's like they wasted their early lead using a one-trick-pony of chat with AI, and then nothing else happens so the whole world passed them by

adamlui commented 2 weeks ago

Actually it reminds me of when Google CEO boldly proclaimed AI is too experimental for Google, then made a complete U-turn mere months later as he got tired of watching the world pass him by. OpenAI CEO will wake up one day too after being too tired of watching competitors pass him by

adamlui commented 2 weeks ago

The Bard launch event was so funny they were playing stock-sounding hip hop music to not come off as old as the CEO did before the U-turn