Utilize an active discovery tool to identify all sensitive information stored, processed, or transmitted by the organization's technology systems, including those located onsite or at a remote service provider and update the organization's sensitive information inventory.
Using the sensitive data inventory, enumerate all endpoints storing, processing, or transmitting sensitive information.
Enumerate all sensitive information active monitoring tools from the software inventory
For each identified active monitoring tool:
Enumerate the endpoints covered by the system
Examine its configuration to ensure that the system is configured to:
Monitor for sensitive information (noting appropriately and inappropriately configured systems along the way)
Enumerate endpoints covered by all sensitive information active monitoring systems
Complement the set of covered endpoints with the list of identified endpoints to identify all uncovered endpoints
Sensitive information monitoring systems are primarily software-based
M1 = List of endpoints storing, processing, or transmitting sensitive information
M2 = List of sensitive information monitoring tools
M3 = List of monitoring tools appropriately configured
M4 = List of monitoring tools inappropriately configured
M5 = List of endpoints covered by at least one monitoring tool
M6 = List of endpoints not covered by at least one monitoring tool
M7 = |M1|
M8 = |M2|
M9 = |M3|
M10 = |M4|
M11 = |M5|
M12 = |M6|
M9 / M8 = Ratio of appropriately configured active sensitive information monitoring tools to the total number of active sensitive information monitoring tools
M11 / M7 = Ratio of covered endpoints to the total number of endpoints storing, processing, or transmitting sensitive information
Utilize an active discovery tool to identify all sensitive information stored, processed, or transmitted by the organization's technology systems, including those located onsite or at a remote service provider and update the organization's sensitive information inventory.