adamnovitch / NeoCrystal

Project based on the Project based on the Disassembly of Pokémon Crystal
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Rival and Gym/E4 Party Updates #34

Open adamnovitch opened 7 months ago

adamnovitch commented 7 months ago

SmithPlays has these. Some have already be done, investigate how feasible these changes are vs what's in there already

• Feature Gen 2 Pokemon
• Remoraid, Houndour, Mareep to rival gyarados, aracnine, exeggutor
• Rival Larvitar?
• Sooner Evos
• Sooner climax
• Add friendship evos to evos?

Ursaring was the pro play

adamnovitch commented 7 months ago
• Feature more Johto Pokemon
    ○ Falkner
        § No pidgey, use hoothoot or noctowl
        § Replace Pidgey with Farfetch'd?
    ○ Bugsy
        § Ledian, Ariados
        § Keep Scyther b/c fury cutter
        § Yanma, Pineco, Paras, Ledian?
    ○ Whitney
        § Team of 4
        § Sentret/Furret
        § Togetic? (no b/c fairy now)
        § Teddiursa
    ○ Morty
        § Misdreavus!
        § Normal coverage
        § Parasect??
        § Houndoom?
        § STANTLER?!?!
    ○ Chuck
        § 5th Leader for levels
        § Hitmontop/sudowoodo
    ○ Jasmine
        § 6th leader for levels
        § Skarmory Spikes Sandstorm Strat
        § Magneton w/ Rain Dance Thunder
        § Give her Ampharos, with Iron Tail maybe?
        § Ditch Forretress?
        § Corsola?
    ○ Pryce
        § 7th leader for levels
        § Delibird?
        § Rain Dance Jynx?
        § Tentacruel?
        § Sneasel
        § 5 pokemon?
    ○ Claire
        § 5 pokemon?
        § Note for Lance: Give him mythical beasts big 500+ BST non-dragons
        § Gyarados and Aerodactyl
    ○ Will
        § Girafarig
        § Slowking
        § Espeon
        § Slowbro?
        § Xatu!
        § Coverage for Dark and Bug
    ○ Koga
        § Foretress Spikes Toxic setup
        § Tentacruel?
        § Muk
        § Venomoth
        § Crobat
    ○ Bruno
        § No hitmontop due to Chuck?
        § Hercross
        § Steelix?
    ○ Karen
        § Better movesets is all I guess
        § Also tyranitar
    ○ Lance
        § Clair is Sea Dragons
        § Lance is Sky Dragons
        § ZAPDOS
            □ Blue should get Articuno

Blaine should get Moltres