adamosimpson21 / wepollclient

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1 - First time user UX #17

Open DInnoStudio opened 5 years ago

DInnoStudio commented 5 years ago

Priority: High

We need to develop a first time user experience. My first idea is that it should be linear for atleast several clicks.
1) enter (loads heroku) (if user is logged in already, redirect to profile page) 2) Welcome page. "WePoll helps your Represent Yourself on issues you care about! Click here to try it out" (Poll button) "Log in" (Log in button) 3) First poll. "Are you on a mobile phone, laptop, or other device?" "Mobile Phone, Laptop, Desktop PC, Tablet, Other" (They vote and submit) 4) Simplified poll results page, just showing the pie chart with legend. (Next Poll button) 5) Second poll "Do you have passionate political opinions?" "Yes, I care a lot about politics. Somewhat, I care about certain issues. No, I don't care much about politics." (They vote and submit) 6) Simplified poll results page, as before. Now show "You've earned 5 OP!" (2 buttons- Register now, Explore more) 7a) Registration page un, pw, later captcha. 8a) Questions page 7b) Page describing features. User clicks through mini pages for privacy, data analysis, create a poll, parties, shop, then go to external about page w/ video.

That's my first draft of the process. What do you think?

DInnoStudio commented 5 years ago

Thanks for making a first question and making it green. Can you please change the question to read "First Question - Start Here!" "What type of device are you visiting WePoll with?" (in the link field) "Normally a link to education about the poll would be here" (Answers) "Mobile" "Tablet" "PC" "VR" "Console" "Other"

adamosimpson21 commented 5 years ago
  1. I don't think we should have it load the profile page. I think the question page is the best page to load, as that's what they're probably coming to the site to do. And there's a small window of time when the site loads where the site has to make a server request (this take time) to see if the user is logged in. There isn't a great way to get around it at the moment

  2. How do they get to this page? From the splash screen button? Otherwise, I can take care of this. Should I put the twitter on here, too, or is a bare bones view?

  3. Looks good to me

  4. Is there a reason isn't simplified? I think all of the filter options are sweet and a lot of people go "oh, that's cool" or "this is useful" when I show them the sliders.

  5. You can go ahead and make these polls how you'd like them, and then I'll plug them in once I need them.

  6. LGTM

  7. captchas don't do anything, they're very ineffective and annoying. We'll figure out some kind of verification method later down the road, but for now I just need to add a "confirm your password" line

7b. Can you write this page up for me? Give me a wire frame and content to work with and I'll build it

adamosimpson21 commented 5 years ago

I'm working on logging in with facebook to make registration easier for people

DInnoStudio commented 5 years ago
  1. I agree, questions page is better. I understand about the loading time.
  2. Welcome page is the splash screen page. No twitter here. So, in other words, when you go to, you end up at this welcome page/splash screen IF you are not logged in already. The only two buttons leaving from this page are the Poll button & Log in button.
  3. One reason to keep it simple is that I want to keep it linear for the first timer. The second reason is that when someone votes on this poll they haven't registered any demographic info. I know their later answers will feed into this demo, but I don't want ppl thinking we somehow have their private demo data already. They should feel very secure here.
  4. Okay np 7b. Yeah I'll have to design that. It's our tutorial page. I'll make pngs for them at some point, but the user will just click through them linearly.
adamosimpson21 commented 5 years ago
  1. Ah, I see. LGTM

  2. LGTM

7b. LGTM

I'll start setting everything up sometime tomorrow

DInnoStudio commented 5 years ago

Priority High Can we bump this: Thanks for making a first question and making it green. Can you please change the question to read "First Question - Start Here!" "What type of device are you visiting WePoll with?" (in the link field) "Normally a link to education about the poll would be here" (Answers) "Mobile" "Tablet" "PC" "VR" "Console" "Other"

adamosimpson21 commented 5 years ago

Just make a new question and then link me to it. Delete the old one. PC should probably be split up into desktop and laptop. Or use Web browser or something similar. PCs usually only refer to Windows machines and now Mac

DInnoStudio commented 5 years ago I tried to delete the old "first poll", and a few others, but my delete button doesn't seem to work.

DInnoStudio commented 4 years ago

Let's continue where we were here.

1.  Enter (loads heroku) (if user is logged in already, redirect to questions page)
2. Welcome page loads (No big graphic, just simple blue bkgd and these buttons). "WePoll helps your Represent Yourself on issues you care about! Click here to try it out" (Poll button) "Log in" (Log in button)

3a. Log in button -> Log in widget, then to questions page 3b. Poll button -> First poll. "Are you on a mobile phone, laptop, or other device?" "Mobile Phone, Laptop, Desktop PC, Tablet, Other" (They vote and submit)

  1. Simplified poll results page, just showing the pie chart with legend. (Next Poll button)
    1. Second poll "Do you have passionate political opinions?" "Yes, I care a lot about politics. Somewhat, I care about certain issues. No, I don't care much about politics." (They vote and submit)
  2. Simplified poll results page, as before. Now show "You've earned 5 OP!" (2 buttons- Register now, Explore more) 7a) Register button -> Registration page un, pw, later captcha. 8a) Questions page 7b) Explore more -> "About" Page describing features. User clicks through mini pages for privacy, data analysis, create a poll, parties, shop, then video.