adamqqqplay / dota2ai

Ranked Matchmaking AI: An improved Dota2 AI based on Valve's default AI. Has more than 3 million subscribers on Steam.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Update item recipes to 7.23 #26

Closed aptxca closed 4 years ago

aptxca commented 4 years ago

Updated Recipes:

  1. Urn of Shadows
  2. Veil of Discord
  3. Bloodstone
  4. Assault Cuirass
  5. Heart of Tarrasque
  6. Vanguard
  7. Crimson Guard
  8. Mekansm
  9. Drum of Endurance
  10. Vladmir's Offering


  1. 骨灰
  2. 纷争面纱
  3. 血精石
  4. 强袭胸甲
  5. 龙心
  6. 先锋盾
  7. 赤红甲
  8. 梅肯
  9. 战鼓
  10. 祭品