Closed enzian closed 5 years ago
Hey @enzian, thanks for raising this. Out of interest, do you currently have a use case for this?
Yes, we have repositories that contain documentation which is versioned. We could use minver to publish this documentation versioned!
@enzian how would you actually do that? Would you have some kind of CI build to publish when pushing a tag?
@adamralph yes, this feature would make sense in CI build environments!
@enzian given that you're doing other .NET work, do you not already have the .NET SDK installed on your build agents?
given that you're doing other .NET work
Well I'm not only doing .net work!
@enzian sure, I wasn't suggesting otherwise. 😉
But do you actually have the situation where you would like to use a CI system to publish these docs but the relevant agents/images/etc. do not have the .NET SDK installed?
I'm actually using hosted agents that are created on demand and have absolutely nothing if I don't bring it ;-)
OK, so now I believe you that you have a valid use case. 😉
I'm not opposed to this if it doesn't add too much maintenance burden. I guess we'd have to build several versions for different platforms and publish them somewhere?
I'm not opposed to this if it doesn't add too much maintenance burden. I guess we'd have to build several versions for different platforms and publish them somewhere?
Yes, because each self-contained deployment would only work for the RID specified, win-x64
, linux-x64
, etc. That means you'll have to publish multiple large zip files somewhere.
Then, you'll have to manage acquiring and extracting them on your CI systems, likely with manually written code/scripts.
Or you can get the .NET Core SDK for the machine, and do a tool install, and then you have the CLI tool readily available.
On Linux systems, acquiring the SDK is trivial since it's available through package managers, and it's not that much more difficult to get for other OSes.
Personally, it sounds like getting the SDK and installing the command line tool is less work for everyone.
Also, exposing the command line tool as a separate artifact instead of keeping it internal does also complicate doing #112 when it makes sense.
Thanks @bording. Some good arguments there.
Also, exposing the command line tool as a separate artifact instead of keeping it internal does also complicate doing #112 when it makes sense.
I assumed that, if this goes ahead, it would be an alternative way of distributing the CLI tool, which is already public.
I assumed that, if this goes ahead, it would be an alternative way of distributing the CLI tool, which is already public.
Fair enough, though I suspect you'd likely end up needing a separate project in the solution for it regardless.
Yeah, that's probably true.
But in any case, before going any further with this, I need to be convinced, as per your arguments above, that getting the self-contained artifact onto the build agents is easier than getting the .NET SDK and installing minver-cli
. @enzian what are your thoughts on that?
My approach would be to add a build pipeline on azure devops that builds the cli project for multiple targets, zip all of them and drops them into the respective github release!
This means, that if I want to use it, i can just wget/curl, unzip and be done! That seems much easier to me then downloading the entire SDK (which takes time and time is an issue when building...) then downloading the tool, which takes time again, not to speak of the disk space and traffic used in this whole process! So, it takes fewer steps and takes less time and resources.
Fair enough, though I suspect you'd likely end up needing a separate project in the solution for it regardless.
That is not the case: You can either build all your targets by adding them to the .csproj or by adding them to the build/publish commands of the dotnet cli. This will then build the self-contained packages and drop them in a folder with their target mnemonic!
@enzian as I understand it, the self-contained apps will also contain the entire .NET Core runtime. Is that the case?
I want to be sure there is enough benefit to offset the extra maintenence burden. Bear in mind that right now the Azure pipelines build only exists to serve as a smoke test for the pipelines specific console pallette. The Appveyor build is the CI build. I'd prefer to keep everything in the build script rather than have CI server config performing specific parts of the build. Also bear in mind that there are no GitHub releases currently. The only release is to NuGet.
the self-contained apps will also contain the entire .NET Core runtime
yes, some you don't need are stripped out though. I tested this quickly: Building minver to as a self contained artifact makes for a 75Mb package. The dotnet core sdk (2.1.something) is ~210 Mb and that's not counting the nuget dependencies that need to be pulled additionally!
I know, that 75Mb sounds huge but considering it contains everything needed for running a tool and can be downloaded as one file with a single HTTP GET as opposed to installing 200Mb of sdk and pulling in dozens (or much more) nuget packages is not exactly more efficient and definitely takes more time! On hosted build agents, time = money, storage is not an issue!
PS: As a side note because I know it's not ready yet: using IL-Linker when publishing I'm able to decrease this to about 30Mb!
Before linking (B) After linking (B) Size decrease
----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Total size of assemblies 50'361'448 28'913'640 42.59%
----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
minver-cli.dll 9'216 9'216 0.00%
LibGit2Sharp.dll 420'352 420'352 0.00%
McMaster.Extensions.CommandLineUtils.dll 140'776 140'776 0.00%
MinVer.Lib.dll 16'384 16'384 0.00%
Microsoft.CSharp.dll 773'200 0 100.00%
Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll 465'992 0 100.00%
Microsoft.Win32.Primitives.dll 22'096 12'288 44.39%
Microsoft.Win32.Registry.dll 85'584 49'152 42.57%
SOS.NETCore.dll 54'864 0 100.00%
System.AppContext.dll 14'416 0 100.00%
System.Buffers.dll 14'416 5'120 64.48%
System.Collections.Concurrent.dll 205'384 112'128 45.41%
System.Collections.Immutable.dll 2'636'384 205'824 92.19%
System.Collections.NonGeneric.dll 97'360 71'680 26.38%
System.Collections.Specialized.dll 89'680 57'344 36.06%
System.Collections.dll 329'800 256'000 22.38%
System.ComponentModel.Annotations.dll 149'064 92'672 37.83%
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll 15'440 0 100.00%
System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync.dll 34'888 0 100.00%
System.ComponentModel.Primitives.dll 53'840 31'744 41.04%
System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.dll 671'304 481'792 28.23%
System.ComponentModel.dll 16'464 6'144 62.68%
System.Configuration.dll 18'000 0 100.00%
System.Console.dll 160'632 129'024 19.68%
System.Core.dll 20'856 0 100.00%
System.Data.Common.dll 2'833'504 979'968 65.41%
System.Data.dll 24'136 0 100.00%
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.dll 15'440 5'632 63.52%
System.Diagnostics.Debug.dll 14'928 5'632 62.27%
System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll 67'152 53'760 19.94%
System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.dll 29'264 0 100.00%
System.Diagnostics.Process.dll 236'624 187'904 20.59%
System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.dll 33'888 22'016 35.03%
System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener.dll 32'336 0 100.00%
System.Diagnostics.Tools.dll 15'968 6'656 58.32%
System.Diagnostics.TraceSource.dll 124'496 0 100.00%
System.Diagnostics.Tracing.dll 35'920 14'848 58.66%
System.Drawing.Primitives.dll 101'968 68'608 32.72%
System.Drawing.dll 19'552 0 100.00%
System.Dynamic.Runtime.dll 15'440 0 100.00%
System.Globalization.Calendars.dll 15'440 0 100.00%
System.Globalization.Extensions.dll 14'928 0 100.00%
System.Globalization.dll 14'712 0 100.00%
System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll 66'128 0 100.00%
System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll 13'896 0 100.00%
System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.dll 34'376 0 100.00%
System.IO.Compression.dll 264'056 156'160 40.86%
System.IO.FileSystem.AccessControl.dll 59'464 0 100.00%
System.IO.FileSystem.DriveInfo.dll 38'480 0 100.00%
System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives.dll 14'944 0 100.00%
System.IO.FileSystem.Watcher.dll 61'008 0 100.00%
System.IO.FileSystem.dll 213'072 114'176 46.41%
System.IO.IsolatedStorage.dll 78'200 0 100.00%
System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.dll 64'080 46'080 28.09%
System.IO.Pipes.AccessControl.dll 15'952 0 100.00%
System.IO.Pipes.dll 129'096 0 100.00%
System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream.dll 14'928 0 100.00%
System.IO.dll 14'712 0 100.00%
System.Linq.Expressions.dll 1'604'704 593'920 62.99%
System.Linq.Parallel.dll 1'296'968 0 100.00%
System.Linq.Queryable.dll 173'648 0 100.00%
System.Linq.dll 432'208 266'752 38.28%
System.Memory.dll 246'352 103'936 57.81%
System.Net.Http.dll 1'128'016 1'015'808 9.95%
System.Net.HttpListener.dll 643'664 0 100.00%
System.Net.Mail.dll 546'896 0 100.00%
System.Net.NameResolution.dll 85'584 70'144 18.04%
System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll 180'304 126'976 29.58%
System.Net.Ping.dll 88'656 52'224 41.09%
System.Net.Primitives.dll 199'248 174'080 12.63%
System.Net.Requests.dll 345'680 308'736 10.69%
System.Net.Security.dll 533'072 454'144 14.81%
System.Net.ServicePoint.dll 33'888 16'384 51.65%
System.Net.Sockets.dll 515'656 372'224 27.82%
System.Net.WebClient.dll 158'800 0 100.00%
System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.dll 66'144 50'176 24.14%
System.Net.WebProxy.dll 26'704 0 100.00%
System.Net.WebSockets.Client.dll 71'240 0 100.00%
System.Net.WebSockets.dll 140'152 0 100.00%
System.Net.dll 15'952 0 100.00%
System.Numerics.Vectors.dll 156'752 55'808 64.40%
System.Numerics.dll 13'904 0 100.00%
System.ObjectModel.dll 85'064 35'840 57.87%
System.Private.DataContractSerialization.dll 2'017'360 1'341'440 33.51%
System.Private.Uri.dll 236'624 210'432 11.07%
System.Private.Xml.Linq.dll 368'504 206'848 43.87%
System.Private.Xml.dll 8'310'352 5'686'272 31.58%
System.Reflection.DispatchProxy.dll 68'176 0 100.00%
System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration.dll 14'928 5'632 62.27%
System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight.dll 14'928 5'120 65.70%
System.Reflection.Emit.dll 14'928 5'632 62.27%
System.Reflection.Extensions.dll 14'712 0 100.00%
System.Reflection.Metadata.dll 1'068'112 593'408 44.44%
System.Reflection.Primitives.dll 14'928 5'632 62.27%
System.Reflection.TypeExtensions.dll 29'560 0 100.00%
System.Reflection.dll 15'440 0 100.00%
System.Resources.Reader.dll 14'920 0 100.00%
System.Resources.ResourceManager.dll 14'928 5'632 62.27%
System.Resources.Writer.dll 43'088 0 100.00%
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.VisualC.dll 16'976 0 100.00%
System.Runtime.Extensions.dll 394'616 282'112 28.51%
System.Runtime.Handles.dll 14'920 0 100.00%
System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.dll 26'192 14'336 45.27%
System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.dll 15'944 0 100.00%
System.Runtime.InteropServices.dll 46'160 26'112 43.43%
System.Runtime.Loader.dll 14'416 0 100.00%
System.Runtime.Numerics.dll 192'080 116'224 39.49%
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.dll 295'504 125'440 57.55%
System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.dll 14'920 0 100.00%
System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives.dll 27'208 15'360 43.55%
System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml.dll 15'944 6'656 58.25%
System.Runtime.Serialization.dll 15'432 0 100.00%
System.Runtime.dll 49'232 38'400 22.00%
System.Security.AccessControl.dll 213'368 0 100.00%
System.Security.Claims.dll 88'136 49'664 43.65%
System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms.dll 356'944 178'688 49.94%
System.Security.Cryptography.Cng.dll 264'784 201'216 24.01%
System.Security.Cryptography.Csp.dll 175'184 125'440 28.40%
System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding.dll 68'168 50'176 26.39%
System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl.dll 31'312 0 100.00%
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives.dll 88'656 47'104 46.87%
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.dll 371'280 284'160 23.46%
System.Security.Principal.Windows.dll 139'336 108'544 22.10%
System.Security.Principal.dll 15'440 6'144 60.21%
System.Security.SecureString.dll 14'928 0 100.00%
System.Security.dll 16'464 0 100.00%
System.ServiceModel.Web.dll 15'440 0 100.00%
System.ServiceProcess.dll 14'408 0 100.00%
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions.dll 14'920 5'120 65.68%
System.Text.Encoding.dll 14'928 0 100.00%
System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll 368'200 332'800 9.61%
System.Threading.Overlapped.dll 15'952 6'656 58.27%
System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.dll 479'608 0 100.00%
System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll 15'432 0 100.00%
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.dll 109'152 0 100.00%
System.Threading.Tasks.dll 15'944 6'144 61.47%
System.Threading.Thread.dll 41'552 23'040 44.55%
System.Threading.ThreadPool.dll 14'928 5'120 65.70%
System.Threading.Timer.dll 14'200 5'120 63.94%
System.Threading.dll 75'856 34'816 54.10%
System.Transactions.Local.dll 346'192 0 100.00%
System.Transactions.dll 14'928 0 100.00%
System.ValueTuple.dll 15'440 0 100.00%
System.Web.HttpUtility.dll 43'600 0 100.00%
System.Web.dll 13'904 0 100.00%
System.Windows.dll 13'920 0 100.00%
System.Xml.Linq.dll 14'416 0 100.00%
System.Xml.ReaderWriter.dll 21'584 12'288 43.07%
System.Xml.Serialization.dll 14'928 0 100.00%
System.Xml.XDocument.dll 15'440 5'632 63.52%
System.Xml.XPath.XDocument.dll 16'464 0 100.00%
System.Xml.XPath.dll 14'928 5'632 62.27%
System.Xml.XmlDocument.dll 15'224 0 100.00%
System.Xml.XmlSerializer.dll 17'488 8'192 53.16%
System.Xml.dll 23'120 0 100.00%
System.dll 53'328 0 100.00%
WindowsBase.dll 14'432 0 100.00%
mscorlib.dll 63'240 0 100.00%
netstandard.dll 106'576 97'280 8.72%
System.Private.CoreLib.dll 13'033'008 11'167'744 14.31%
Built like this, the self-contained CLI comes in at 38Mb.
oh and, BTW: I don't want to be the guy that annoys everyone with his craziness: So if this is too much - a "thanks but no thanks" is fine for me ;-)
Not at all @enzian. 🙂
I'm simply weighing up the pros and cons of this. At the moment I'm seeing:
) to download on a fresh build agent (assuming it doesn't need to do anything else .NET related)dotnet install minver-cli
. With self contained apps you have to choose the correct RID, and there is entire catalog of RIDs to choose from.Am I missing anything?
Am I missing anything?
Not really! Though I would argue that:
Increased build time, due to producing multiple apps for many RIDs.
is not really an issue, since all targets could be built in parallel and:
Increased complexity in the MinVer source solution/projects.
is basically one change in one csproj xml node.
I'm OK, not going down this road, and if I really want it, I can still do this myself ;-) Do we close?
@enzian I'm not opposed to doing this as long as the added maintenance burden is acceptable.
all targets could be built in parallel and: is basically one change in one csproj xml node
Could you please send a PR demonstrating this?
Regarding releasing, it looks like I can set up a GitHub releases deployment in Appveyor to do it, so that should be a low burden.
If you wanted to support all the operating systems with these self-contained builds that you can with the existing tool, you'll have to account for the fact that LibGit2Sharp has a native dependency, and provide a separate build for each of them. At the moment, that would mean you'd need:
And it would be on the consumers of these self-contained builds to understand the RID fallback graph so they know which of them to use based on the linux distro they're using.
That list also changes over time, so that would have to be maintained as well.
That list also changes over time, so that would have to be maintained as well.
@bording: that is very much true, and something I have not really considered! Maintaining this would either mean to limit the targets the minver project provides binary packages for (say for example win-x64
, alpine-x64
, linux-x64
, osx
). This however will force a lot of people installing the runtime anyways...
We also lack the manpower to ensure the provided artifacts actually work on all platforms...
So if I understand correctly, building native packages for all these platforms would be quite involved, yes?
building native packages for all these platforms would be quite involved
Yes, the question is, if this outweighs the advantages... I'd shelve this issue for now, and reopen when there is more demand for self-contained artifacts!
@enzian OK, thanks. In that case, I'll go ahead and close it. We can always re-open if the requirement comes up again.
Since the CLI is a since self-contained little tool, it could be published as a self-contained app and be used also in environments where the .net core runtime is not installed. This would enable the use of minver in other language/build environments outside of .net!
Information of how to build self-contained artifacts can be found here and a sample with docker here.
To use minver in other environments #214 would be something useful, since parsing stdin, stdout and stderr is quite fiddly and having a structure where all relevant versioning information is kept would be helpful!