adamralph / minver

🏷 Minimalistic versioning using Git tags.
Apache License 2.0
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Tagged version wins even if MinVerMinimumMajorMinor is higher #999

Open DavidBoike opened 3 months ago

DavidBoike commented 3 months ago

Use case(s)

MinVerMinimumMajorMinor is provided as way to say: future dev work on this branch is for version x.y, rather than patches or minors on the previous version. It seems reasonable for someone to later decide that a commit on the branch is actually a patch or minor on the previous version, and tags the commit as such and expects that version to pop out.


As currently stated by the docs, "If the current commit has a version tag…The version is used as-is", without any mention of the MinVerMinimumMajorMinor. Described as a bug in but this issue reframes the problem as a (breaking) enhancement.


Leave it as is and change the docs to describe the actual behavior.

Additional context


bartelink commented 3 months ago

So tempted to concoct a feature request right this instant :D Except it would be more in the spirit of the project to suggest removing one... Thanks for the amazing work in the last 999 items, Adam!