adamrehn / ue4-runtime

Container images for running packaged Unreal Engine projects via the NVIDIA Container Toolkit
MIT License
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Cant find Binaries for Editor anywhere #8

Closed Ademord closed 3 years ago

Ademord commented 3 years ago

Hello I am facing a similar issue as by @Kingcitaldo125 . I don't seem to find anywhere a Dockerfile, or documentation for that matter, on how to spin up (any) a docker image and just run the UE4 editor (I am using VNC alongside it putting ENV DISPLAY:vnc:blablabla). I am trying to run UE4 on the container but either I cannot find the binaries on the image "adamrehn/ue4-runtime" or I can't find an example on the link you posted at

How could I open the UE4 editor?

My compose file atm (planning to mount the project at ~/projects)

    image: adamrehn/ue4-runtime
      - DISPLAY=novnc:0.0
    shm_size: 128gb
    ipc: host
      - "../projects:/home/ue4/projects:rw"    
      - novnc
      - x11
    image: theasp/novnc:latest
      # Adjust to your screen size
      - DISPLAY_WIDTH= 2560
      - DISPLAY_HEIGHT= 1440
      - "8080:8080"
      - x11

And then start up with docker run ndds bash and manually access the project (or change to start the project, once i find the binaries)

adamrehn commented 3 years ago

Apologies for the delay in responding to this issue, I've been drowning in work over the past few months and I'm slowly chipping away at my GitHub backlog whenever I get the chance.

The ue4-runtime image is designed for running packaged Unreal projects, it does not contain the Unreal Editor, Engine Tools or compiler toolchain. For container images encapsulating the Unreal Editor and Engine Tools see the ue4-docker project. You can find more information about available sources of container images on the Available Image Sources page of the Unreal Containers community hub documentation.

Although example code is not currently available for this use case, you can find information about running the Unreal Editor interactively in a container on the Linux Sandboxed Editor page of the Unreal Containers community hub documentation. If you are planning on using VNC to access the Editor GUI then you can ignore the flags related to bind-mounting the X11 socket from the host system, although you will likely need to add VirtualGL and TurboVNC to your container image to enable GPU acceleration for your VNC session. I have very little experience with this particular configuration myself, but my recommendation would be to use NVIDIA's VirtualGL + TurboVNC example Dockerfile as a starting point, extending the the ue4-minimal or ue4-full base image rather than nvidia/opengl:1.0-glvnd-runtime.