adamrehn / ue4cli

Command-line interface for Unreal Engine 4
MIT License
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`ue4 build-target` crashes when not specifying any target #66

Open sleeptightAnsiC opened 3 months ago

sleeptightAnsiC commented 3 months ago

Running ue4 build-target without giving any argument causes a crash:

╰─$ ue4 build-target
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/ue4", line 33, in <module>
    sys.exit(load_entry_point('ue4cli==0.0.54', 'console_scripts', 'ue4')())
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ue4cli/", line 222, in main
    SUPPORTED_COMMANDS[command]['action'](manager, args)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ue4cli/", line 54, in <lambda>
    'action': lambda m, args: m.buildTarget(args.pop(0), args.pop(0) if (len(args) > 0) else 'Development', args),
IndexError: pop from empty list

~This is happening because some commands detect arguments with following condition: len(args) > 0 Said condition will always evaluate to True because Python always takes script directory as the first argument. We can easily change len(args) > 0 to len(args) > 1 and this should be resolved for most cases. However, when I was testing it, seems like not every function related to this issue would fail as I was expecting it, e.g. ue4 version works just fine, so it's worth investigating what's going on under the hood before fixing it.~

EDIT: No, I was wrong about it. The problem is super simple. We do args.pop(0) without checking if args contains anything which is clearly mentioned in callstack :D

Leaving this one for myself, should be quick to fix.


sleeptightAnsiC commented 3 months ago

~Blocked by - This PR must be merged/rejected before attempting the fix, as it touches the same code and also uses len(args) > 0 condition in few places.~

sleeptightAnsiC commented 3 months ago

I was wrong...

Before passing args to the command, first arg is being already stripped here: I just randomly found a logical error for ue4 build-target

Editing the issue