adamrushy / OpenAISwift

This is a wrapper library around the ChatGPT and OpenAI HTTP API
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sendChat is failing because ChatMessage has extra property #100

Open ktorimaru opened 11 months ago

ktorimaru commented 11 months ago

Getting the following when submitting a "sendChat" ▿ OpenAIError ▿ chatError : 1 element ▿ error : Payload

It looks like OpenAI is throwing an error because of the extra field.

Removing the Identifiable protocol and the id variable allows everything to run.

`/// A structure that represents a single message in a chat conversation.

public struct ChatMessage: Codable { /// The role of the sender of the message. public let role: ChatRole? /// The content of the message. public let content: String? ... `

rxrw commented 11 months ago

I got this error, too. It's may produced by: #94

rom4in commented 11 months ago

add this extension instead:

import OpenAISwift import Foundation

extension ChatMessage: Identifiable, Equatable { public var id: UUID { return UUID() } public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) { hasher.combine(id) } public static func == (lhs: ChatMessage, rhs: ChatMessage) -> Bool { return == } }

MarkHoath commented 11 months ago

Confirmed this fixes the error... I dont know if it fixes the Swift Identifciable issue as I dont use SwiftUI

Mmanion commented 11 months ago

I'm using SwiftUI, and it doesn't seems to solve the problem.

Created a PR to remove it.

Definitely like the idea of ChatMessages being Identifiable. If I have the time, will see how to implement it while preventing this bug.

MarkHoath commented 11 months ago

All your PR does is rollback to the previous version. Is the extension provided by rom4in not working ? As from the documentation it appears that it should.

In Swift, extension properties do not have to comply with Codable directly. Codable is a protocol used for encoding and decoding Swift types to and from external representations like JSON or Plist.

When you conform a type to Codable, you are essentially telling Swift how to convert an instance of that type to and from a JSON representation. The properties that are encoded and decoded must themselves be Codable.

If you extend a type with additional properties through an extension, those extension properties are not automatically considered when encoding or decoding using Codable. Only the properties declared in the original type or any extensions that directly implement Codable will be considered.

Mmanion commented 11 months ago

No, the extension by rom4in did not work for SwiftUI. Yes, it is a rollback.

Not sure which part of the documentation you're referring to but definitely give this a try in SwiftUI (with the solutions mentioned above) and you'll see.

marcoboerner commented 11 months ago

I created a pull request that keeps the id and Identifiable conformance in place, which I think is preferable when using it with SwiftUI, but skips the id when encoding. Hashable and equatable conformance can then be done with a similar extension as above if needed.

extension ChatMessage: Hashable {
    public static func == (lhs: ChatMessage, rhs: ChatMessage) -> Bool { == &&
        lhs.content == rhs.content
    public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {

@Mmanion maybe you'd prefer this over a rollback 🙃

Mmanion commented 11 months ago

@marcoboerner Yup, thats a much better fix then mine. I ran it in SwiftUI and it works, just closed my PR. Great job!

marcoboerner commented 11 months ago

The only thing that you need to be aware of when streaming is, currently with every updated ChatMessage a new UUID is generated. It's fine if you're just replacing the last ChatMessage of an array with the updated ChatMessage, but if you try to work with a set or try to use the id to find the ChatMessage that is being updated, that won't work. But I think that's rather an implementation detail in the stream logic.

tingspain commented 9 months ago

It is not working for me. I dont know what i am doing wrong. I keep getting the following error:

chatError(error: OpenAISwift.ChatError.Payload(message: "Additional properties are not allowed (\'id\' was unexpected) - \'messages.0\'", type: "invalid_request_error", param: nil, code: nil))

Could anyone point me on the right way to do it?

This is my code:

extension ChatMessage: Identifiable, Equatable, Hashable {

    public var id: UUID {
        return UUID()
    public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {

    public static func == (lhs: ChatMessage, rhs: ChatMessage) -> Bool { == &&
        lhs.content == rhs.content


class OpenAIChat : ObservableObject{

    let openAI = OpenAISwift(config: .makeDefaultOpenAI(apiKey: "sk-"))

    var message: String = ""

    func send(question: String = "Hello, how are you?") async {

        print("Before send")
        print("QUESTION: \(question)")

        do {

            let chat: [ChatMessage] = [
                ChatMessage(role: .system, content: "You are a helpful assistant."),
                ChatMessage(role: .user, content: "Who won the world series in 2020?")

            let result = try await openAI.sendChat(
                                                with: chat,
                                                model: .chat(.chatgpt),
                                                choices: 1,
                                                maxTokens: 256

            print("RESULT: ")
            print( result )

        } catch {

        print("After send")

marcoboerner commented 9 months ago

@tingspain are you using the last pre-release version? The PRs to fix this issue have not been released. You may want to switch to an earlier version or use the branch of the PR with the last main commit.

tingspain commented 9 months ago

@marcoboerner, ah. Let me switch to the PR and test it. Thank you very much!!!