adamrushy / OpenAISwift

This is a wrapper library around the ChatGPT and OpenAI HTTP API
MIT License
1.6k stars 242 forks source link

Stay away from this package #123

Open sindresorhus opened 8 months ago

sindresorhus commented 8 months ago
ErikaFoxelot commented 8 months ago

@sindresorhus I found this package from the link on your page - what do you recommend now instead?

marcoboerner commented 8 months ago

@sindresorhus I do agree, it's a shame this package doesn't get any more support. I and some others opened several pull requests to fix some issues which the current pre(!) release has, but it seems no one is actively working on it. I assume the original maintainer doesn't have time to work on this open source project. Which can happen, I guess, it's voluntarily and unpaid after all. @ErikaFoxelot I've switched to in my projects, as this seems to be maintained quite well. I was able to reuse almost all of my code with only a few small (non-breaking) changes from the last OpenAISwift release. Hope that helps!

ErikaFoxelot commented 8 months ago

@ErikaFoxelot I've switched to in my projects, as this seems to be maintained quite well. I was able to reuse almost all of my code with only a few small (non-breaking) changes from the last OpenAISwift release. Hope that helps!

Helps a ton, thanks so much =)

MarkHoath commented 7 months ago

I have cloned the Repo and updated with the PR's

marcoboerner commented 7 months ago

@MarkHoath I think forking, not cloning, would be the more appropriate way, otherwise you're disregarding everyone elses work on this repo.

MarkHoath commented 7 months ago

@marcoboerner , I manually updated all the Pull Requests, so no work has been lost. And at least it gives us a pathway to update the library further

marcoboerner commented 7 months ago

@MarkHoath, but even in this case, a fork (like you did at first with your personal account), and then merging the PRs of the original's repository, would have been the way to go. IMO, I think it's just best practice as it keeps the full commit history, it attributes the authors of every commit, which is only fair to the people who spent time on this before you. Don't get me wrong, you can please with it as you want, since the MIT license allows it. But as a friendly nudge, especially if you want the same authors to continue working on this, it would make sense to do it right the first time. 😉

MarkHoath commented 7 months ago

@marcoboerner This is the first time I have done this... You obviously have more knowledge than me, you should have forked it and done it correctly. There is still time...

MarkHoath commented 7 months ago

@marcoboerner Following on from your comments, I have forked and merged all the Pull Requests.

Replacing the link from before.

marcoboerner commented 7 months ago

@MarkHoath that's great! 🙂

ErikaFoxelot commented 7 months ago

@MarkHoath @marcoboerner and I see this just when I finish switching my codebase over to MacPaw's repo 🤦‍♀️

marcoboerner commented 7 months ago

@ErikaFoxelot at the moment I'm also still using the MacPaw Repo to be honest, especially since there is a PR waiting that adds a lot of the features openAI has just added in the last few days. Would be nice to bring those features to this repo at some point though.