adamshostack / eop

The Elevation of Privilege Threat Modeling Game
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Question regarding EP suit cards 2-4 #9

Open sydseter opened 3 weeks ago

sydseter commented 3 weeks ago

@adamshostack Hi, over at We are creating a card generator in order to ensure we can translate our cards into multiple languages. I wanted to translate your deck to spanish, just because I thought it would be fun, but then I just had to ask, why was the EoP suit never completed?

sydseter commented 3 weeks ago

I noticed that you have them here?

Would you like me to try to make a suggestion for how the cards can look like? Or is the design for that already done?

sydseter commented 3 weeks ago

I see you have the illustrator files there as well, I could just use those and add the missing cards to the deck?

sydseter commented 3 weeks ago

btw. Is there any point to when you use punctuation? Sometimes I see it used, other times it's not and then there are differences between the cards.yaml and the indesign file.

sydseter commented 3 weeks ago

Generated the card deck in english using the cornucopia card converter: eop-1.0-cards-en.pdf

adamshostack commented 2 weeks ago

I've removed the single instance of punctuation in the yaml. I think you've answered your other questions?

adamshostack commented 2 weeks ago

I'll note that your deck generator isn't including the intro/credits/how to play cards

sydseter commented 2 weeks ago

I will have a look at the credits as well. I only looked at the indesign file you had for the cards as I didn’t get any further today.

sydseter commented 2 weeks ago

Here is a pull-request for the missing cards.

I have done the spanish translation:

I need to go back and have a second look at the fonts and types before I generate the cards for the spanish translation.

sydseter commented 2 weeks ago

Some of the Indesign files was quite old so I had to update them in order to keep the design consistent.

sydseter commented 2 weeks ago

I have finalized the translation and generated the documents. Here is the finished Spanish translation: eop-1.0-deck-es.pdf

I had a good Spanish friend of mine which works as a compliancy engineer, native speaker, review the translation. There are some words that I haven't translated. E.g. When you refer to the name of the game, I kept that in English. Also, when you talk about the STRIDE categories, I kept the categories in English since they are part of a known acronym. I did, however translate most of the names of the suites, except "Spoofing" which in Spanish is "Suplantación de Identidad". Spoofing is a known expression that even is mentioned in the Spanish governments dictionary for cyber security:


The fonts I have used in the Spanish translated deck I sent over are different from the fonts originally used for the EoP deck. There is a good reason for that, we can discuss it next week when we both are in Lisbon. I am attending your course so I'll mention it then. Instead of Segoe I am using a combination of Selawik and Open Sans, but....

I have kept the fonts as they were in the pull-request. This way it won't create any font issues. We will use Selawik and Open Sans over at OWASP Cornucopia since those fonts are open source. I think you might get where I am heading out now, if you read this. We'll talk some more next week.

This is how the english translation with the open source fonts would look like: eop-1.0-deck-en.pdf

sydseter commented 2 weeks ago

I also have translated all the other separate documents as well. I can make a pull-request for the spanish translation if it is of interest. We'll keep track of it over at if not.