adamsoffer / next-apollo

React higher-order component for integrating Apollo Client with Next.js
MIT License
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Multiple queries at the same page #97

Open iksent opened 3 years ago

iksent commented 3 years ago

Hello, I have the next problem:

  1. Imagine my index page:
function IndexPage() {
  return (
      <Articles />
      <Categories />
  1. Both Articles and Categories components have react hooks for querying data from GraphQL with SSR.
  2. And the problem is that one of these components (random) not waiting for the query's end and I don't see the result data, but loading spinners at the client side.
  3. If I remove Articles or Categories component, then I see that querying is being made at SSR always.
  4. So the problem is that maybe getInitialProps not waiting for all promises and resolves when the first promise resolves.

Can you please answer, is it connected with next-apollo?

iksent commented 3 years ago

I see this is connected with getDataFromTree which next-apollo uses. Also I am experiencing some problems with caching GQL data. Can these problems be related? Don't know...