adamstark / Sound-Analyser

A VST/AU Plug-in For Audio Analysis
GNU General Public License v3.0
112 stars 21 forks source link

build broken on OSX #2

Closed q-depot closed 9 years ago

q-depot commented 9 years ago


it doesn't compile on OSX, this is the error:

failed to find AUResources/AUResources.r /Users/Q/Code/Sound-Analyser/JuceLibraryCode/modules/juce_audio_plugin_client/AU/juce_AU_Resources.r:49: ### /Applications/ - SysError 0 during open of "AUResources.r". Fatal Error! /Users/Q/Code/Sound-Analyser/JuceLibraryCode/modules/juce_audio_plugin_client/AU/juce_AU_Resources.r:49: ### /Applications/ - Fatal Error, can't recover. AUResources.r: ### /Applications/ - Since errors occurred, /Users/Q/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Sound_Analyser-dwhaebjhlplqzxatawzorgrhwkyb/Build/Intermediates/Sound's resource fork was not written. Command /Applications/ failed with exit code 3

adamstark commented 9 years ago

UPDATE: I have attempted to document some of these issues on the wiki here:

Hi there,

There is an issue with JUCE (the library I am using to build plug-ins) and XCode (it is Apple's fault for not including Audio SDK with XCode). It is very annoying, but basically you need to do what the second post on this forum topic says:

and then you will need to tweak a couple of lines of code according to one of these...

For the second lot of issues, maybe post your errors here and I will give you the changes I made to make it work?

q-depot commented 9 years ago

ok I fixed that and a whole bunch of errors, now I've got more, all related to the Juce code itself, is it meant to work on osx or is it a hack?

adamstark commented 9 years ago

The problem is that Apple doesn't include the Audio Unit source with XCode anymore, and so you need to download it and include it. Then, to make it worse, there are bugs in the Audio Unit code that need fixing before it will work.

I don't know what the long term solution is to this but I need to do this for any plug-in I am building on OS X, not just this one. Once I do this, all my plug-ins work. So it is an XCode/Apple/Audio Unit thing rather than a bug here.

Maybe post your errors and I can try and help?

adamstark commented 9 years ago

Are the errors you have solved by this:

q-depot commented 9 years ago

I copied the AudioCore and that fix some issues with missing files, then I got tons of c++11 related issues, the solution is to switch back to C++, done that. There are also some namespace issues, ambiguous function calls and ultimately I'm missing other files linked from Juce. I'm sure your code is fine but Juce seems just a broken library, never used it before so I can't say much, but perhaps if you only use it to wrap the VST it might be worth to look at some other solution.

adamstark commented 9 years ago

Are you using 10.10 SDK? And are the errors related to Point / Finder ? If so, switch to 10.9 SDK.

JUCE is very stable, but not working with 10.10 SDK yet...

adamstark commented 9 years ago

(I also have binaries online if you just want to use the plug-in "as-is" without making changes:

q-depot commented 9 years ago

10.9 sdk, I'll have a look at the binaries, thanks for you help.

adamstark commented 9 years ago

Ok, but please feel free to post the errors you are getting here. I am happy to take a look. I am assuming they are the same ones I get when I have issues with the Audio Unit framework but I am guessing. It is possible there is something broken that I need to fix, so any feedback you can give me would be great. :)

q-depot commented 9 years ago

how do you use the .component file? I thought that was a VST plugin I could just drag and drop into ableton.

adamstark commented 9 years ago

You need to drop it into...


and restart Live. It will only work with 32-bit Live. I could build you a 64-bit one if you needed it...

q-depot commented 9 years ago

do you mind to release the 64-bit as well?

adamstark commented 9 years ago

I can do that, yes - but I won't do it publicly until the next version. Can you email me here:

and I'll send it to you? :)