adamwathan / bootforms

Rapid form generation with Bootstrap 3 and Laravel.
MIT License
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Laravel Error #2

Closed sicsol closed 11 years ago

sicsol commented 11 years ago

I managed to get the files installed however here is a new error i'm getting

Argument 1 passed to AdamWathan\Form\ErrorStore\IlluminateErrorStore::__construct() must be an instance of Illuminate\Session\Store, instance of Illuminate\Session\SessionManager given, called in /vendor/adamwathan/bootforms/src/AdamWathan/BootForms/BootFormsServiceProvider.php on line 36 and defined

adamwathan commented 11 years ago

Hmm, I'll have to look into this... I'm not sure why $app['session'] would ever return an instance of SessionManager, should always be Session\Store.

What do you get if you var_dump App::make('session') somewhere in your project?

sicsol commented 11 years ago

do you want the whole thing? It starts with the following. Also i'm not using Database Sessions on this project

object(Illuminate\Session\SessionManager)#92 (3) { ["app":protected]=> object(Illuminate\Foundation\Application)#22 (11) {

adamwathan commented 11 years ago

Do you have any issue using the Auth:: stuff? That relies on the same mechanism I'm using to access the session, so if there's a problem there as well that would help in figuring out where the issue is stemming from.

adamwathan commented 11 years ago

Also, what database driver are you using? To be perfectly honest I've only tested this with the 'native' driver.

adamwathan commented 11 years ago

So it looks like the issue is an update made today to the Illuminate\Session component that changed the bindings :) gonna push a fix in a bit.

adamwathan commented 11 years ago

Fixed here: