adamyg / grief

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Files are corrupted when restore / backup has invalid paths #38

Closed milnak closed 1 month ago

milnak commented 4 months ago

On a win32 system without a K: drive, add the following to $env:AppData/.grief/_grinit.

restore: save=full cache=k:/devl/.restore savehist=yes scrapper=yes
backup: dir=k:/devl/.backup version=9

now edit and save an existing file then reopen it in grief. The first two lines (maybe more) will be corrupted.

adamyg commented 2 months ago

Direct copy of _grinit.example, which is intended as an example only; yet backup macro should verify paths.

adamyg commented 2 months ago

Reviewing backup engine error handling; on failure, backup defaults to .bak, possible warning condition.
Issue related to an invalid restore location and associated error handling; edit_file() semantics Considering an internal event-log, allow warning/error condition logging and inspection.

Note: set_backup_option() wont, by design, validate parameters; possible warning condition within griset_backup