adaneslavo / More-Unique-Components-for-VP

Adds 3rd and 4th unique component to each civilization.
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Things that might not need lua #133

Closed pineappledan closed 6 years ago

pineappledan commented 6 years ago

So i've been digging through the available features in the CoreTableEntries and CoreTableAdditions files in VP, and there's a few features we have implemented in lua which appear to already be exposed to XML

Scythed chariot - there is a 'AoEDamageOnMove' in TABLE = UnitPromotions. - AoE damage when the unit moves. This is currently implemented in lua

Monitor - there is a 'AdjacentCityDefenseMod' in TABLE = UnitPromotions. - This is a % amount of city strength instead of the current flat amount. It also does not work for adjacency.

The monitor one is not a 1:1 match, but the scythed chariot should be completely doable without lua

pineappledan commented 6 years ago

updated scythes. now works off SQL and I deleted the lua. tested and it works

Leaving monitor for now. there is a difference in effect, so it's interesting to keep as is