adang1345 / delvewheel

Self-contained Python wheels for Windows
MIT License
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mkl dlls and mangling #15

Closed samuelstjean closed 2 years ago

samuelstjean commented 3 years ago

As per this suggestion

  RuntimeError: Unable to rename the dependencies of mkl_vml_def.1.dll because this DLL has trailing data. 
If this DLL was created with MinGW, run the strip utility. 
Otherwise, include {'mkl_core.1.dll'} in the --no-mangle flag. 
In addition, if you believe that delvewheel should avoid name-mangling a specific DLL by default, 
open an issue at and include this error message.

Adding it to the no mangle flag does not work, presumably because another dll it depends on is renamed, and this original dll does not know about it, leading to a loading issue. Adding this dll subsequently to no mangle leads to some weird error code, which I think means it tries to lead a different dll of the same name and wrong version, hence it does not work.

Is it possible to just not change the name of this dll (because it apparently can not be done by the downstream mangler), but still patch it to load the mangled-name dll it depends on? Seems like it may fix it if I understood how these things work internally.

adang1345 commented 3 years ago

@samuelstjean Can you upload and attach the wheel that you tried repairing? I want to investigate further why the --no-mangle flag is not working.

samuelstjean commented 3 years ago

I tried a few other things in the meantime, just need to find back the right file I guess.

samuelstjean commented 3 years ago This one should do it, looks like if your module loads A.dll, which then loads B.dll, you need to specify manually B.dll to be added. Not mangling A.dll as suggested seems to means it is untouched, and still tries to load B.dll, even if it will get renamed in the process later on. Now add B.dll wants to load a bunch of other stuff (here probably the mkl_core.1.dll file) and it will just break on runtime.

And this is how I used it

(openblas) C:\Users\Samuel\Desktop\spams-python-patch2>delvewheel repair spams_bin-2.6.3-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl --add-path c:\cibw\\runtimes\win-x64\native --add-dll libiomp5md.dll;mkl_avx.1.dll;mkl_avx2.1.dll;mkl_avx512.1.dll;mkl_core.1.dll;mkl_def.1.dll;mkl_intel_thread.1.dll;mkl_mc.1.dll;mkl_mc3.1.dll;mkl_rt.1.dll;mkl_sequential.1.dll;mkl_tbb_thread.1.dll;mkl_vml_avx.1.dll;mkl_vml_avx2.1.dll;mkl_vml_avx512.1.dll;mkl_vml_cmpt.1.dll;mkl_vml_def.1.dll;mkl_vml_mc.1.dll;mkl_vml_mc2.1.dll;mkl_vml_mc3.1.dll --no-mangle-all
repairing spams_bin-2.6.3-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl
finding DLL dependencies
copying DLLs into spams_bin.libs
skip mangling DLL names
calculating DLL load order
patching spams\
patching spams_wrap\
updating spams_bin-2.6.3.dist-info\RECORD
repackaging wheel
fixed wheel written to C:\Users\Samuel\Desktop\spams-python-patch2\wheelhouse\spams_bin-2.6.3-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl

It's pretty much shoving in all the dll included from the mkl, not mangling them somehow silently fails later on, but that's likely something different or another missing dll.

adang1345 commented 3 years ago

Before we can talk about whether name-mangling is causing an issue here, there is a bigger concern to address.

delvewheel is best suited for the situation where the DLLs are loaded via the DLL import table. In this situation, if a file A.dll depends on B.dll, then B.dll is loaded automatically at the time that A.dll is loaded. If the DLL dependencies are loaded at runtime using LoadLibraryEx() from C/C++, then delvewheel cannot determine the dependencies automatically.

It looks like the wheel you're trying to repair falls into the second case. Looking at the wheel you uploaded, I see that _spams_wrap.cp37-win_amd64.pyd depends on vcruntime140_1.dll, mkl_rt.1.dll, msvcp140.dll, and vcomp140.dll, based on the DLL import tables. Given that mkl_rt.1.dll has no other dependencies (other than Windows system libraries) listed in its import table, I suspect that either mkl_rt.1.dll or _spams_wrap.cp37-win_amd64.pyd loads its dependencies using the LoadLibraryEx() function. This situation makes wheel repair a lot more difficult. I include the --add-dll flag to try to handle this situation, but this is not a complete solution. For example, mkl_rt.1.dll or _spams_wrap.cp37-win_amd64.pyd might be passing certain flags to LoadLibraryEx() that affect the location where DLL dependencies are searched, and I have not tested how the different flags may affect the way that delvewheel-repaired wheels behave.

The first thing to determine would be to check whether all DLL dependencies are being included in the wheel. You'll have to check this yourself because (presumably) dependencies are loaded at runtime using LoadLibraryEx(). If you are still encountering errors, then I can try to help. In that case, you should tell me exactly what error occurs and how to reproduce the error.

samuelstjean commented 3 years ago

I see, it's probably the mkl_rt.dll, its purpose is to provide only one lib to link to, and then it loads a bunch of other dll at runtime depending on what your processor supports. I'll try to link it traditionally to see if it has more success, but it does seems like a weird corner case since stuff is loaded dynamically I guess.

samuelstjean commented 3 years ago

Fixed it by using a regular dll, but I guess from my initial question it probably falls outside the scope of the project since dependencies of dependencies is tricky.