adap / flower

Flower: A Friendly Federated Learning Framework
Apache License 2.0
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FedHarmony #2050

Open jafermarq opened 1 year ago

jafermarq commented 1 year ago


Do you want to work on this baseline?

🌻 Check everything about the Summer of Reproducibility on

All available baselines are listed in the Summer of Reproducibility Dashboard and also in the GitHub Issues with the summer-of-reproducibility label. The content is the same.

📝 It is advised to complete these steps before your start working on your code. But if you can't wait to implement your baseline with Flower (we totally understand it 😄), please ensure you follow the steps on how to contribute a new baseline.

What follows are the steps 1 & 2 in the Summer of Reproducibility instructions.

1. Join the Summer of Reproducibility program

What happens next?

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Nisarg143 commented 1 year ago

Hi @jafermarq !!

I would like to implement the FedHarmony baseline in the flower framework

This is the contribution plan I'd like to propose:

--> I would like to implement the whole Federated harmonization Procedure -- FedHarmony from steps 1 to steps 5 --> I would like to follow this procedure for Fully Supervised System (with subset of data due to limited computation powers) --> I would try to replicate the Table 1 for (50% of all all site data) possibly for all different methods --> If I can successfully replicate the results of FedHarmony with three different loss then I will definitely try to replicate the results for semi-supervised method for 1-site and 3-site. --> Also, If time permits, I can also replicates results with Ablation A,B, and C.

Let me know your thoughts and give your feedback on what can be done in the given time frame.

Thanks, Nisarg Patel

Nisarg143 commented 1 year ago

Hello @jafermarq

Any updates on this!!??

jafermarq commented 1 year ago

Hi @Nisarg143, it's great to hear you want to implement FedHarmony! For the Summer of Reproducibility we aim to collaboratively construct a catalog of high quality baselines that reproduce the results in the paper. You mention that you would reproduce results "with subset of data due to limited computation powers". Unfortunately this conflicts with one of the core aims of Summer of Reproducibility. You can take a look at the rules and FAQ on our website:

If you currently don't have access to the compute resources needed to replicate this baseline, I'd encourage you to look into the other available baselines and choose one that still is interesting to you (there are some great paper available still!) and requires less computational power to reproduce. I hope this makes sense! Let me know your thoughts

Nisarg143 commented 1 year ago

Hi @jafermarq,

I agree with your your suggestions and looked into another to-do proposed baselines. I have consider another project #2055 (SSFL +KWS) for the contribution in the SoR 2023.

Thank you for your response.

Regards, Nisarg Patel

jafermarq commented 1 year ago

Ok, thanks for getting back to me about this.

This baseline then is still available for anyone interested.

18bce133 commented 1 year ago

Hi @jafermarq I wish to incorporate the FedHarmony baseline into the flower framework.

Here's the contribution plan I'd like to propose: --> My goal is to implement the entire Federated harmonization Procedure, known as FedHarmony, encompassing steps 1 to 5. --> Specifically, I plan to apply FedHarmony to a Fully Supervised System. --> As part of my implementation, I will attempt to reproduce the results presented in Table 1 for various methods. --> Once I successfully replicate the results of FedHarmony using three different loss functions, I will proceed to replicate the results for the semi-supervised method.

18bce133 commented 1 year ago

Hi @jafermarq , Any feedback on the proposal ?

jafermarq commented 1 year ago

Hi @18bce133 , good to see you are interested to implement FedHarmony. About your contribution plan: are you going to reproduce the entire Table 1? Do you have access to compute resources comparable to those used in the paper? (in particular note they use a 16GB GPU card, the inputs used for the VGG network are much larger to the typical image sizes in other FL papers). If you have your own desktop machine or maybe a server with GPUs as part of your university/employer then that would do. But other alternatives such as Google Colab might not be suitable for this baseline (and in general for baselines in the Summer of Reproducibility).

Finally, could you please confirm you are based in an eligible territory/country (see the second point in Step 2 above) -- for the up to date list of countries you could check the FAQ in the Summer of Reproducibility website:

18bce133 commented 1 year ago

Hi @jafermarq, Thank you for your response. Answering your first question regarding Computing power, Yes I have access to Server of my research lab in University, It has Nvidia A10 24Gb graphics card. For the eligibility part I am based in USA. Regarding implementation part, I will replicate Table 1 , including Ablation C so that there is clear cut comparison between Ablation C and FedHarmony MAE. I will also implement FedAvg, FedProx and FedEqual and FedHarmony. If time permits I will also implement, Ablation A and Ablation B. Rest, I will implement whole table 1.

jafermarq commented 1 year ago

Hi @18bce133 , thanks for the additional info. The plan you propose for Table 1 looks good to me. Then everything is set. FedHarmony is yours to implement now 🙌. I have now ✅ all the points in Step 1 & 2 above, added you as assignee to this GitHub issue and moved this baseline to the In Progress stage.

Just as a quick reminder, the Flower Summer of Reproducibility runs until the end of September and by then, contributors should have completed all the stages outlined in our website ( Therefore, I encourage you to start as soon as you can. You'll find a link in the What happens Next? section above, that will point you to a guide explaining how to start with the code. Feel free to reach out to me and other contributors in the Flower Slack channel.

Looking forward to seeing FedHarmony in action !!

jafermarq commented 1 year ago

Hi @18bce133 !

This is just a gentle reminder that the Flower Summer of Reproducibility is ending at the end of the month. With just a little more than 3 weeks to go, we are excited to see quite a few baselines well ahead in the process with their respective PRs close to ready. If your PR is already on the list, great !! Please make sure the PR is linked to this issue (you just need to copy the URL of this issue somewhere in the main message of your PR). Ping me when you'd like me to take a look.

Also, make sure you keep an eye:eyes: on the #summer-of-reproducibility channel in the Flower Slack. I’ll announce very soon a new (the third!) round of 1:1 ask-me-anything sessions to help Summer of Reproducibility contributors like yourself to meet the deadline. Please consider booking a time slot if you want to chat with me about your baseline, potential issues you have making your code run, how to open a PR, doubts about what to include in your readme, how to use Hydra configs more effective, etc … all questions are welcome!!